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Rulemaking Projects - Closed Active Projects
Administrative  -  Cable and Video  -  Electric  -  Procedural  - Telecommunication

Project # Description/View
23026 Rulemaking regarding Negotiation and Mediation of Certain State Contract Disputes.
23025 Rulemaking to Adopt the General Services Commission's Rules regarding Historically Underutilized Businesses.

Cable and Video
Project # Description/View
32171 Rulemaking Regarding the State-Issued Certificate of Franchise Authority

Project # Description/View
36536 Rulemaking to Expedite Customer Switch Timelines
35769 Rulemaking Relating to Providers of Last Resort
35768 Rulemaking Relating to Retail Electric Provider Disclosures to Customers
35767 Rulemaking Relating to Certification of Retail Electric Providers
35628 Rulemaking Relating to Industrial Customer Opt-Out of Renewable Portfolio Standard
34914 Rulemaking to Amend Substantive Rule §25.237 Fuel Factors
34890 PUC Rulemaking Relating to Net Metering and Interconnection of Distributed Generation
34888 Rulemaking Relating to Nuclear Decommissioning Costs and Requirements for Certain Units Constructed by a Power Generation Company
34887 PUC Rulemaking to Amend Method for Calculation of Electric Low-Income Discount
34706 Rulemaking to Amend ERCOT Emergency Interruptible Load Service
34561 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC SUBST. R. Relating to Definition of Seasonal Agricultural Customers
34560 Selection of Transmission Service Providers
34202 Rulemaking to Repeal P.U.C. Substantive Rules 25.53 and Propose New 25.53 Relating to Electric Service Emergency Operations Plans
34039 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC Substantive Rule §25.107 Relating to Ccertification of Retail Electric Providers
34038 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC Substantive Rules Relating to Notification of Transactions Affecting the Ownership of Electric Utilities
33814 Rulemaking Proceeding Relating To Prepaid Service Using Special Meters
33811 Rulemaking to Implement Requirement of PURA §39.903(e)(1)(B) Concerning a One-Time Bill Payment Assistance Program
33495 Rulemaking Project To Amend Rule Relating To The Independent Market Monitor for ERCOT
33492 Rulemaking Project Relating to the Target for Renewable Energy Resources Other Than Wind Power
33490 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend §25.502; Pricing Safeguards in Markets Operated by ERCOT
33457 PUC Rulemaking Concerning a Demand-Response Program for ERCOT Emergency Conditions
33253 Rulemaking Project Relating to Transmission Cost-Recovery Factor for Non-ERCOT Utilities
33025 PUC Rulemaking Proceeding To Amend Commission Substantive Rules Consistent With §25.43 Provider Of Last Resort (POLR)
32104 Rulemaking Proceeding Relating to Retail Electric Competition in Northeast Texas
32008 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend Subst. R. §25.263, Relating to True-Up Proceeding
31972 Rulemaking Concerning Resource Adequacy and Market Power in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas Power Region
31926 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC SUBST. R. §25.484 Relating to the Electric No-Call List
31853 Rulemaking Related to Waiver of Deposit for Victims of Domestic Violence and Low-income Elderly
31852 Rulemaking Relating to Renewable Energy Amendments
31793 Issues Related to the Disaster Resulting From Hurricane Rita
31429 Development of the Decommissioning Annual Report Form Required by Substantive Rule §25.303(f)(6)
31418 Rulemaking Relating to Advanced Metering
31417 Rulemaking Relating to the Discount for Low-income Customers
31416 Default Service Rulemaking
31111 Independent Market Monitor Rulemaking
30769 Amendments to PUC SUBST. R. §25.472(b)(3) Regarding Privacy of Customer Information
30719 Amendment to Competitive Energy Services Rule Relating to Certain Services on Military Bases
30331 Amendments to Energy Efficiency Rules and Templates
30160 Rulemaking Proceeding Concerning Implementation of a Nodal Market Design for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
30047 PUC Rulemaking to Amend § 25.478 Relating to the Establishment of Satisfactory Credit for Victims of Family Violence
29855 Rulemaking Proceeding Concerning Oversight of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
29781 Rulemaking to Amend Substantive Rule §25.93, Quarterly Wholesale Electricity Transaction Reports
29637 Rulemaking to Amend P.U.C. Subs. R. §25.214 and Pro-Forma Retail Delivery Tariff
29630 Rulemaking Concerning Utilities' Eligible Purchased Power Expenses
29169 Rulemaking on Nuclear Decommissioning Funding following the Sale or Transfer of Nuclear Generating Plant
29159 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC Subst. R. 25.484, Relating to Electric No-Call List
29042 Rulemaking on Definition of Wholesale Electric Market Power in the ERCOT Power Region
28884 Rulemaking Proceeding Concerning Transmission Planning, Licensing and Cost Recovery
28715 Rulemaking to Establish an Energy Efficiency Incentive Program for Military Bases Pursuant to PURA §39.910
28407 Rulemaking Proceeding To Amend §25.173, Goal For Renewable Energy
28149 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend P.U.C. Substantive Rule §25.453, Relating to Targeted Energy Efficiency Program
27917 Rulemaking on Pricing Safeguards for ERCOT-Operated Wholesale Markets
27903 Rulemaking Regarding Energy Efficiency Implementation Project
27826 Rulemaking Proceeding to Require Another Set of Two-Year Strips Under the Capacity Auction Rule, §25.381
27711 Modifications to Electric Low-income Discount Rules
27678 Proceeding on Day-Ahead Markets, Power Exchanges, and Wholesale Price Transparency
27290 Rulemaking Proceeding to Revise Subst. R. 25.193, Distribution Service Provider Transmission Cost Recovery Factors (TCRF)
27084 Rulemaking to Revise Customer Protection Rules
26556 Revisions to the Provisions of PUC Subst. R. 25.41 Relating to the Price to Beat Fuel Factors
26376 Rulemaking Proceeding on Wholesale Market Design Issues in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas
26359 Rulemaking to Address Competitive Metering
26201 Rulemaking to address Enforcement of Wholesale Market Rules
26188 Disclosure of Information Related to Electricity Transactions Originating or Terminating in Texas
25959 PUC Rulemaking on Oversight of Independent Organizations in the Competitive Electric Market
25716 Rulemaking Proceeding to Revise PUC Substantive Rule §25.72
25610 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend Chapter 25, Subchapter H, Div. 2, Regarding Energy Efficiency and Customer-Owned Resources
25515 Electric Utility CCN Rulemaking and Forms Changes
25503 Rulemaking to Review and Amend Substantive Rules in Chapter 25,
Subchapter A
25360 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend Requirements for Provider of Last Resort Service
24492 Rulemaking Proceeding To Revise Substantive Rule 25.381, Capacity Auctions
24462 Proceeding to Establish Performance Measures Relating to the Competitive Retail Electric Market
24391 Rulemaking to Implement Energy Efficiency Grant Program Under Senate Bill 5
24376 Implementation of House Bill 472 Relating to the Regulation of Telemarketing Solicitation and Providing Penalties
24255 Rulemaking Concerning Planning Reserve Margin Requirements
23571 Rulemaking Concerning True-Up Proceedings Under PURA §39.262
23400 Electric Restructuring Transition Implementation Issues Rulemaking.
23157 PUC Rulemaking Proceeding to Revise PUC Transmission Rules Consistent with the New ERCOT Market Design
23014 PUC Proceeding to Determine the Final Fuel Reconciliation Schedule as Directed in PURA §39.202(c).
22429 Rulemaking to Address System Benefit Fee and Associated Programs Pursuant to PURA Sections 39.901 and 39.903
22361 Code of Conduct for Municipally Owned Electric Utilities and Electric Cooperatives Pursuant to PURA §39.157(e)
22255 Customer Protection Rules for Electric Restructuring
22187 Terms and Conditions of Transmission and Distribution Utilities' Retail Distribution Service
21409 Price to Beat
21408 Provider of Last Resort
21407 Rulemaking on Retail Competition Pilot Projects
21405 Capacity Auctions Rulemaking
21232 Conforming Rules
21220 Interconnection of Distributed Generation
21187 System Benefit Fund
21171 Rulemaking to Municipalities or Certain Municipal Electric Systems Leasing Excess Capacity of Fiber Optic Facilities
21083 Cost Unbundling and Separation of Business Activities
21080 Terms and Conditions for Transmission and Distribution Access
21076 Electric Reliability Standards
21074 Energy Efficiency Programs
21073 Electric Service for Public Retail customers (GLO Access)
21066 ERCOT Independent Organization Funding

Project # Description/View
33864 PUC Rulemaking to Amend PUC PROC. R. §22.183, Relating to Failure to Attend Hearing and Disposition by Default
31937 Rulemaking to Establish a Classification System for the Assessment of Administrative Penalties
29855 Rulemaking Proceeding Concerning Oversight of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
29588 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC Proc. R. 22.71(g), Relating to Office Hours of the Commission Filing Clerk
29587 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC Proc. R. 22.22, Relating to Service on the Commission
27624 Rulemaking Regarding Failure to Attend a Hearing and Default Summary Proceeding
25341 Rulemaking to Amend Procedural Rule(s) in Subchapter E
24803 Procedural Rule §27.161 Vendor Protest Rules
22870 Amendments to Procedural Rules in Subchapter A - O
22678 Rulemaking to Amend PUC Procedural Rules, Subchapters P, Q, and R
21420 Amendments to Procedural Rule 22.246, Administrative Penalties
21248 Amendment to §22.144, Requests for Information and
Requests for Admission of Facts

Project # Description/View
35632 Rulemaking Relating to Modifying Texas High-Cost Universal Service Program Reporting Requirements
34594 Rulemaking to Repeal P.U.C. Substantive Rule 26.51 and Propose New 26.51 Relating to Reliability of Operations of Telecommunications Providers
34060 PUC Rulemaking to Revise Substantive Rule §26.403 Texas High Cost Universal Service Plan (THCUSP)
33952 Rulemaking to Consider Amendment of §26.54, §26.71, §26.121, §26.141 AND §26.130 Pursuant to Conclusions in Project No. 33043
33951 Rulemaking to Consider Repeal of §26.2, §26.82, §26.88, §26.122, §26.126 and §26.275 Pursuant to Conclusions in Project No. 33043
33401 Rulemaking to Amend and/or Repeal Commission Rules Related to the Filing of Financial Report as Recommended in Project No. 32460
33060 Rulemaking to Amend Substantive Rule 26.223 Prohibition of Excessive COA/SPCOA Usage Sensitive Intrastate Switched Access Rates
33004 Rulemaking Proceeding to Implement Senate Bill 5 Amendments to Local Government Code
32334 Rulemaking to Establish Requirements Applicable to PURA Chapter 65 Subchapter D Transitioning Carriers' Informational Filings
32169 PUC Rukemaking Proceeding to Add PUC SUBST. R. §26.134 - Telecom Market Regulation for Markets With Less Than 30,000
32162 Rulemaking proceeding to Amend P.U.C. SUBST. R. 26.412 - Lifeline Service and Link Up Service Programs
32161 Rulemaking Proceeding to Implement PURA 56.030 Regarding Annual Affidavits From Eligible Telecommunications Providers
32136 PUC Review of Chapter 26 Substantive Rules to Conform to SB5
32000 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend Subst. R. 26.127 Relating to Abbreviated Dialing Codes to designate 811 for National One Call Notification and Inquiry
31973 Rulemaking To Implement SB5 Amendment to Local Government Code Chapter 283
31957 Rulemaking Project to Modify Payphone Rules and to Address Access Line Charges to Comply with PURA Section 55.1735
31937 Rulemaking to Establish a Classification System for the Assessment of Administrative Penalties
31900 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC SUBST. R. §26.37 (Texas No-Call List)
31864 Rulemaking Proceeding to Implement PURA Section 56.301, Regarding Audio Newspaper Assistance Program for Blind and Visually Impared Persons
31793 Issues Related to the Disaster Resulting From Hurricane Rita
30046 PUC Rulemaking to Amend § 26.24 Relating to the Establishment of Satisfactory Credit for Victims of Family Violence
29897 Rulemaking to Review Telecommunications Service Objectives and Performance Benchmarks Established in PUC Substantive Rule 26.54
29719 Rulemaking to Address Municipal Authorized Review of Access Line Reporting
29250 Rulemaking Proceeding Regarding Disaggregation of Texas Universal Service Funds (TUSF)
29140 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend PUC Subst. R. 26.37, Relating to Texas No-Call List
29077 Rulemaking Regarding P.U.C. Substantive Rules, Chapter 26, Subchapter E
28708 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend P.U.C. Subst. R. 26.420(F) - Assessments for the Texas Universal Service Fund (TUSF)
28324 Rulemaking to Amend Substantive Rule §26.32 & 26.130
28056 Modifications To Subst. R §26.412, Lifeline and Link Up Services, For Low Income Discount Administration (LIDA)
27543 Rulemaking Regarding Chapter 24, Policy Statements
27542 Rulemaking Regarding Chapter 26, Subchapter H, Electronic Publishing
26955 Rulemaking to establish Marketing/Business Code of Conduct for Local Exchange Companies
26412 Rulemaking to Amend P.U.C. Substantive Rule 26.465
26135 Rulemaking Proceeding to Amend Rules Referencing
26131 Rulemaking Proceeding to Address Notification Issues Arising Form Changes in Preferred Telecommunications Utilities
25599 Proceeding to Examine Procedural Rules Relating to the Formal and Informal Resolution of Disputes Involving Telecommunications Providers
25450 Rulemaking to Address the Redefinition of "Access Line"
25433 Rulemaking to Address Municipal Authorized Review of Access Line Reporting
25224 Rulemaking Proceeding to Adopt Procedures for Reclamation of NXX Codes and Thousands-Blocks
24683 Rulemaking to Amend Subst. R. §26.467 Rates, Allocation, Compensation, Adjustments, and Reporting
24639 Rulemaking to Implement Enforcement Procedures Relating to Quarterly Access Line Reports
24626 Rulemaking to Amend Subst. R. §26.130, Selection of Telecommunications Utilities
24527 Rulemaking Regarding High Cost Assistance to a Telecommunications Provider that Volunteers to Provide Voice-Grade Service in an Uncertificated Service Area
24526 Rulemaking to Amend USF Rules Regarding Unbundled Network Element Sharing Mechanism (§ 26.403)
24524 Rulemaking to Implement SB 1659, 77th Leg., Format of Telecommunications Utility Billing Statements.
24522 Rulemaking to establish service quality standards applicable to wireless carriers with ETP status.
24520 Rulemaking to Implement HB 1351 Funding and Operation of the Universal Service Fund as it Applies to Pay Telephone Services
24519 Rulemaking to Implement HB2388, 77th Leg., Provision of Telecommunications Services to an Area Not Included in a Certificated Service Area.
24389 Rulemaking Regarding CLEC-to-CLEC and CLEC-to-ILEC Migration Guidelines
24376 Implementation of House Bill 472 Relating to the Regulation of Telemarketing Solicitation and Providing Penalties
24305 Rulemaking Relating to the Establishment of Uniform Cost Recovery Methods for 9-1-1 Dedicated Transport
23528 Rulemaking to Consider Changes to §26.125, Automatic Dial Announcing Devices (ADADs) and Associated Forms
23227 Rulemaking regarding new Subst. R. §26.277, Resale
22909 Discussion and possible rulemaking relating to outstanding HB 1777 implementation issues for discussion and possible rulemaking.
22067 Review of Agency Rules Pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act §2001.039 for Fiscal Years 2002-2003; Review of Substantive Rule Chapters 24 and 26 (Telecom)
21419 Customer's Right To Choice (Slamming)
21006 Protection Against Unauthorized Billing Charges ("Cramming")

Last Updated: 06/25/09