NASA craft smacks the moon in quest for water

NASA craft smacks the moon in quest for water

MOUNTAIN VIEW — A NASA rocket plowed into a crater on the moon this morning, looking for evidence that water has been lying hidden...

Archaeopteryx may have been more dinosaur than bird

Archaeopteryx, believed for 150 years to have been the first bird, was probably only a feathered dinosaur that had great difficulty...

Cedars-Sinai investigated for significant radiation overdoses of 206 patients

More than 200 patients at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center were inappropriately exposed to high doses of radiation from CT brain scans used to...

Science Briefing

Saturn's biggest ring discovered

Swine flu is present 'in virtually the entire country,' CDC expert says

Swine flu is present 'in virtually the entire country,' CDC expert says

Pandemic H1N1 influenza "is here . . . in virtually the entire country," Dr. Anne Schuchat of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

NASA's moon crash is no spectacle, but could be a success

NASA's moon crash is no spectacle, but could be a success

As entertainment, NASA's moon punch mission was more "Heaven's Gate" than "Raiders of the Lost Ark." As science, however, it might still...

Science Briefing

Bat may be Marburg, Ebola host

War injury leads to advances at home

War injury leads to advances at home

A world away from the roadside bombs and combat injuries of Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans are suffering the same type of brain injury seen...

2 Americans, Israeli share Nobel Prize in chemistry

2 Americans, Israeli share Nobel Prize in chemistry

Two Americans and an Israeli who mapped the precise structure of the ribosome -- the cell's critical protein-making factory -- won the...

Virus discovery called breakthrough in fight against chronic fatigue syndrome

In what may prove to be the first major breakthrough in the fight against the mysterious and controversial disorder known as chronic fatigue...

Pacific Ocean 'dead zone' in Northwest may be irreversible

An oxygen-depleted "dead zone" the size of New Jersey is starving sea life off the coast of Oregon and Washington and will probably appear...

U.S. Chamber of Commerce shrugs off defections

U.S. Chamber of Commerce shrugs off defections

The head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Thursday brushed off decisions by a string of high-profile companies to break with the nation'...

Few Bush-era energy leases are valid, report finds

Few Bush-era energy leases are valid, report finds

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Thursday that only 17 of 77 oil and gas leases on Utah public lands that the Bush administration...

Awaiting a puff of moon dust

Awaiting a puff of moon dust

In the predawn hours Friday, while those on the West Coast still snooze, a rocket is scheduled to punch a 13-foot-deep hole in a crater at...

3 Americans win Nobel in physics

3 Americans win Nobel in physics

One scientist set the stage for the globe-girdling fiber-optic networks that transmit the bulk of everyday television, telephone and other...