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Today in The Nation

Obama Hints He'll Resist McChrystal

Robert Dreyfuss: President Obama seems to be hesitant about announcing yet another escalation in Afghanistan.


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» The Notion

Media Blitz Continues As Obama Golfs 18 Holes With Tom Friedman
Ari Melber

Media Overexposes 'Obama Is Overexposed' Complaint
Leslie Savan

Where's the Norma Rae of Healthcare?
Laura Flanders

» The Beat

What Obama Should Be Saying About a Public Option | The president's Sunday talk show grand slam revealed he is still pulling punches with regard to a robust reform.
John Nichols
Posted at 11:45 ET

» The Dreyfuss Report

Obama Hints He'll Resist McChrystal | Does the president realize that Afghanistan is a quagmire?
Robert Dreyfuss

» Editor's Cut

A Shifting Debate on Afghanistan | It's time to call your legislators and demand change in Afghanistan--an exit strategy, no additional troops and a date for withdrawal.
Katrina vanden Heuvel

» Altercation

Slacker Friday | Charles Pierce: Does anyone honestly believe that this White House has acted in good faith?
Eric Alterman

» Act Now!

Demanding a Public Option | Arkansas has turned into a crucial battlefield in the fight for healthcare reform.
Peter Rothberg

» Capitolism

Rohrabacher to Iraqis: Be More Grateful! | Republican congressman chides member of Iraqi government for his society's "bloodlust."
Christopher Hayes

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