University of Manitoba

Faculty of Nursing

Faculty of Nursing

The Faculty of Nursing at the University of Manitoba offers programs in a community that is characterized by a mosaic of cultural groups. This cultural diversity provides excellent opportunities for students from the Faculty of Nursing to develop sensitivities to cultural aspects of health and health care. Over half the population lives in urban centres; the remainder in rural, northern and isolated areas of Manitoba.

Students from the Nursing Programs consistently rank among the top faculties and schools of the University in grade distribution. Both undergraduate and graduate students are competitive for awards offered by the University, professional associations, and other funding bodies. Graduates are recruited by all health care settings and are recognized for their professional expertise. They are also highly successful in gaining admission to advanced educational programs. Their preparation is consistent with the projected expansion of nursing roles in the changing health care environment.

The Faculty is characterized by its research programs, teaching expertise, and practice partnerships in the health field. The Faculty has gained local, national, and international recognition for its contributions to nursing knowledge and practice, and its influence on health policy.


Faculty of Nursing
Helen Glass Centre
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2 Canada