University of Manitoba



Getting Started with OPAL: For Faculty Members & Support Staff
Learn how to use the Faculty of Medicine’s new curriculum management system, OPAL. This hands-on session is for faculty, department heads/section heads, course/ program directors, course coordinators and support staff.  It is designed to teach the basics of how to upload course notes and instructional materials, view scheduled sessions or student participants, and link to relevant teaching resources.   MORE>>

Faculty of Medicine Alumni Online Community
Reconnect with classmates, plan class reunions, and see what’s happening in the Faculty of Medicine with our new, password-protected Online Community. Join groups, send private messages, upload photos, and remember your days in the Faculty of Medicine all at one easy-to-navigate online destination. MORE>>

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Faculty of Medicine
260 Brodie Centre, 727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3P5 Canada
Tel (204) 789-3557  Fax 204-789-3928  Email