University of Manitoba

University Governance

University Governance

Welcome to - your source for governance information at the University of Manitoba. I hope that this site will be a valuable resource to you on information related to the governance of the University of Manitoba.  

The University of Manitoba Act, a statute of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, is the governing legislation of the University of Manitoba. The Act provides for a bicameral system of governance - with the Board of Governors as the corporate governing body and the Senate as the academic body. This site provides information on both the Board of Governors, the Senate, their Committees, and the Governing Documents that regulate the affairs of the University.   The work of Governance at the University of Manitoba is supported by the Office of the University Secretary.

The Office of the University Secretary is the body responsible for coordinating and facilitating the activities of the Board of Governors, the Senate and their standing and ad hoc committees. The Office provides advisory, administrative and logistical services to these bodies, serves as a repository of information on all matters relating to governance and seeks to be a resource to all members of the University community and the general public on University Governance. The Office also provides advice and guidance on jurisdiction, strategy, policy and process.

Above all, we are here to help facilitate the great advances in teaching, research and service that happen every day at the University of Manitoba. Should we be in a position to provide you with any information or assistance, I do hope that you will feel free to contact us.

Sincerely yours,

Jeff M. Leclerc
University Secretary


SPPC 2009-10 Calendar is now available.

The 2010 Master Calendar is now available.

The 2009-2010 Senate meeting schedule is now available.

Distinguished Professor listing is now available.

Student Discipline Bylaw [EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009]

NEW!  Board of Governors Submission Form

Honorary Degree Recipients from 1911-2008 are now available.

Board of Governors minutes from 1999-2008 are now available.

Senate Agendas from 1999-2008 are now available.

The 2009 Board of Governors meeting schedule is now available.

Link to the 2009 NAUBCS Conference

Office of the University Secretary
312 Administration Building
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2 Canada
Tel 204-474-9593  Fax 204-474-7511  Email