University of Manitoba

Current Students

University of Manitoba
Current Students

The University of Manitoba values the teaching skills of our professors with campus-wide teaching evaluations, annual teaching awards and a University Teaching Service that helps professors excel in the classroom. Students at the U of M continually give high ratings on satisfaction with professors and the quality of education they receive. Students learn from professors who have strong national and international reputations in teaching and research.     

2009 - 2010 Student Guide

Bringing prominent national and international scholars to the U of M to teach during Summer Session, and in turn, broadening the faculty expertise and curricula offered, interacting with faculty members and offering community-based presentations.
Now that you're a University of Manitoba student why wait until the fall to begin your studies? Summer University Advantage lets you get started right away.
Associates from universities in Canada and Scandinavia will be at the Fort Garry Campus of the University of Manitoba on Oct 9, 2009 for a special presentation.
The University of Manitoba is working closely with Manitoba Health - Public Health Division to monitor developments in the international outbreak of H1N1 flu virus. Read our new FAQ here.
The University of Manitoba is a full participating member of the University of the Arctic, a cooperative network of universities, colleges, and other organizations committed to higher education and research in the North.

Student Affairs
208 Administration Building
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2 Canada
Tel 204 474-8279  Fax 204 275-1160