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American Psychological Association
Office of Public Affairs
750 First St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-5700
Public Affairs

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Rhea Farberman
(410) 721-8637 (home)
Pamela Willenz
(703) 524-1572 (home)

Current Releases

2009 APA Convention Press Releases and Media Advisories

While Adolescents May Reason As Well As Adults, Their Emotional Maturity Lags, Says New Research (10/07/09)
WASHINGTON—Adolescents likely possess the necessary intellectual skills to make informed choices about terminating a pregnancy but may lack the social and emotional maturity to control impulses, resist peer pressure and fully appreciate the riskiness of dangerous decisions

American Psychological Association Leads Senate Briefing on Reducing Health Inequalities in Health Care Reform (09/18/09)
WASHINGTON—In an effort to build support for health reform, the National Working Group on Health Disparities and Health Reform, led by the APA, will hold a congressional briefing to highlight the costs associated with health care inequalities among certain populations in the United States.

Picking Quality Health care: New Study Shows a Little Context Makes a Big Difference (09/10/09)
WASHINGTON—A hospital pneumonia survival rate of 93 percent may sound good, but knowing that it’s actually merely “fair” can help people pick a better hospital, according to new research. A “good” survival rate would be from 95 percent to 98 percent, medical experts say.

APA Supports Reauthorization Of Juvenile Justice Act on Law's 35th Anniversary (09/09/09)
WASHINGTON—The American Psychological Association is calling on Congress to re-examine the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act based on findings from psychological research pointing to the importance of treatment and rehabilitation for young offenders.

Healthy Older Brains Not Significantly Smaller Than Younger Brains, New Imaging Study Shows (09/08/09)
WASHINGTON—The belief that healthy older brains are substantially smaller than younger brains may stem from studies that did not screen out people whose undetected, slowly developing brain disease was killing off cells in key areas, according to new research. As a result, previous findings may have overestimated atrophy and underestimated normal size for the older brain.

APA Awards Outstanding Psychology Teachers With Excellence In Teaching Award (09/01/09)
WASHINGTON—Two high school psychology teachers have been selected by the American Psychological Association's Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS) for its prestigious APA TOPSS Excellence in Teaching Award.

Daylight Saving Time Leads To Less Sleep, More Injuries On The Job (09/01/09)
WASHINGTON—Every March, most Americans welcome the switch to daylight saving time because of the longer days, but also dread losing an hour of sleep after they move their clocks forward. Now a new study shows that losing just an hour of sleep could pose some dangerous consequences for those in hazardous work environments.

APA Position Papers
American Indian Mascots
Appropriate Use of High-Stakes Testing in Our Nation's Schools
Can-Or Should-America Be Color-Blind?
Death Penalty
Diversity in Higher Education
Hate Crimes
Insurance Discrimination
Need for Comprehensive Sex Education Programs
Same-Sex Civil Marriages
Treatment of Behavioral & Emotional Disorders in Preschool Children
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse
Youth Violence
Issues in the News
APA to President Bush: Ban waterboarding

Hate crimes on campus

Frequently asked questions regarding APA's policies and positions on the use of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment during interrogations

Psychological needs of U.S. military service members and their families

Sexualization of girls

Ethics, interrogations and national security

Other Media Information
APA's Media Referral Service
APA Journal Notification Service
How to Work With the Media: Interview Preparation for the Psychologist
Psychology Matters
(web-based compendium showing application of psychological science in our everyday lives)
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