Notice: Deadlines for Competitive Grant applications are approaching fast!

August 1—required rough draft due
September 1—final application due

Questions? Call 801-359-9670 or email Brandon at

The Utah Humanities Council (UHC) provides funding to Utah groups and organizations conducting public projects in the humanities (history, literature, philosophy and ethics, jurisprudence, comparative religions, anthropology and archaeology, language and linguistics, history and criticism of the arts, and interdisciplinary areas such as ethnic studies, international studies, women's studies and folklore). UHC does not fund artistic performances or exhibits, though humanities events associated with artistic programs may be considered.

UHC grants are intended to foster connections among cultural organizations, community groups, and humanities scholars. Grant projects promote public appreciation and understanding of diverse traditions, values, and ideas through informed public discussion; contribute to humanities scholarship and to the diffusion of knowledge beyond the academic setting; and strengthen pre-collegiate teaching of the humanities. While applicants need not reside in Utah, the project must take place in the state or be made available to Utah residents. Live public programs in Utah are a high priority.

All grant applicants must use UHC's forms and follow UHC's guidelines and instructions. All instruction forms and applications are available on-line or request a copy from Maria K. Torres at or 801 359-9670.

Grant Types

• Competitive Grants to Nonprofit Organizations *
• Quick Grants *
• Oral History Grants *
• Museum Interpretaton Grants *
• Research Fellowships *
• Student Fellowships *

The next Competitive Grant application deadlines (for requests from $1,501 to $5,000) will be August 1 (draft) and September 1 (final). Projects in this round may not begin before Nov 1. For more information, please email Brandon Johnson

* Application forms and instructions are available in PDF and Word formats. All fields, except the gray boxes, must be filled in. Some fields in the budget section will be completed for you. You can fill in the forms using Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher. If you do not have Adobe's free Acrobat Reader, visit the Adobe website to download it. Forms may also be printed and then filled in manually.

Competitive Grants to Nonprofit Organizations

Competitive Grants support projects designed to increase public understanding and appreciation of the humanities. Projects must be centered in the humanities, involve humanities scholars, and be designed to attract an adult out-of-school audience. Competitive Grant applications may be submitted only by nonprofit sponsors and are evaluated and approved by UHC's Board of Directors.

Competitive Grants, which provide between $1,501 and $5,000, are reviewed twice a year.

  • Required First Draft Deadlines: February 1, August 1
  • Required Final Application Deadlines: March 1, September 1
  • Basic Guidelines - (pdf) (Word)
  • Application Instructions - (pdf) (Word)
  • Application Checklist - (pdf) (Word)
  • Competitive Grant Application Forms - (pdf) (Word)

Quick Grants

Quick Grants support direct program costs of smaller projects, with a simplified and expedited process. Eligible requests include:

  • small projects using proven formats and scholars
  • film, video, exhibit, or book programs with discussion led by a humanities scholar
  • planning or consultant grants, hiring a consultant to plan and help prepare a competitive grant application

Quick Grants, which provide up to $1,500, are reviewed year-round and are approved by the Executive Director. Grantees are limited to $1,500 per year in Quick Grant funds.

Oral History Grants

We the PeopleIn 2004, UHC and the Utah State History decided to pool their resources to fund oral history grant proposals, simplifying the process for applicants and insuring that the Utah Division of State Historylimited funds available are used to bestadvantage. The agencies will offer a total of $20,000 each year to educational institutions andnonprofit organizations for oral history projects.

Oral History Grants provide financial support for oral history research and transcription,and are open to organizations, including, but not necessarily limited to:

  • historical societies
  • museums
  • government agencies
  • colleges and universities
  • tribes
  • statewide heritage organizations
  • other nonprofit and ad hoc organizations engaged in oral history
  • research

There is no deadline for funding requests up to the maximum of $2,000 and awards are made on a rolling basis. The oral history grant committee meets a minimum of four (4) times a year, and applications may be submitted at any time. A maximum of $2,000 per organization may be awarded per year. Please note that deadlines are subject to change. Funds for Oral History Grants are made possible through state appropriations and a special We The People appropriation from Congress to the National Endowment for the Humanities.

*Read about a successful Oral History Grant as featured in the Salt Lake Tribune on March 10th, 2008.

Community History Grants

Community History Grants. funded jointly by UHC andWe the People Utah State History (USH), support the research and writing of community histories.  Communities (towns, cities, ethnic groups, etc.) that seek funding from USH/UHC must identify a Utah Division of State Historytrainedhistorian who can oversee the project and regularly review its content as it advances, or provide historical training to the person overseeing the project. 

Community History Grants are open to organizations, including, but not limited to:

  • historical societies
  • museums
  • government agencies
  • colleges and universities
  • tribes
  • statewide heritage organizations
  • other nonprofit and ad hoc organizations engaged in community history research

There is no deadline for funding requests up to the maximum of $2,000 and awards are made on a rolling basis.  The community history grant committee meets a minimum of four (4) times a year, and applications may be submitted at any time.  A maximum of $2,000 per organization may be awarded per year.  Please note that deadlines are subject to change.

Museum Interpretation Grants

Museum Interpretation Grant

The Utah Humanities Council (UHC) and the Utah Office of Museum Services (OMS) with input and advice from the Utah Museums Association, are pleased to offer a joint grant program to aid Utah’s museum professionals and volunteers in taking the next step toward telling their museum’s story and strengthening their interpretive programs.

In the context of museum work, to interpret an artifact means to tell a story through labels, brochures, docent tours, public programming, and other means.  Inanimate artifacts dropped into a display case cannot tell museum-goers about themselves.  Instead, they need human interpreters—museum volunteers and professionals—to explain their meaning to human visitors.

Funds for Museum Interpretation Grants are made possible through state appropriations made to OMS and a National Endowment for the Humanities grant made to UHC.

  • Museum Interpretation Grants Guidelines Museum Interpretation Grant(pdf) Museum Interpretation Grant(Word)
  • Museum Interpretation Grants Application Museum Interpretation Grant(pdf) Museum Interpretation Grant(Word

Research Fellowships
Financial support for individual humanities scholars

Two annual fellowships are offered to humanities scholars.

  • The Albert J. Colton Fellowship supports a research project on a topic of national or international significance.
  • The Delmont R. Oswald Fellowship supports a research project in Utah studies.

Research fellowships, which provide a $3,500 stipend, are evaluated and approved by UHC's Board of Directors. Fellowship awards are made to individual scholars, not institutions.

Please see deadlines below.

  • Required First Draft Deadline: February 1
  • Required Final Application Deadline: March 1
  • Research Fellowship Guidelines Museum Interpretation Grant (pdf) Museum Interpretation Grant(word)
  • Research Fellowship Application Museum Interpretation Grant (pdf) Museum Interpretation Grant(word)

Student Fellowships
Financial support for student research in the humanities.

Two fellowships—one for undergraduate students and one for graduate students—are offered each year to support student research in the humanities.  The maximum student fellowship award in $500. Fellowship funds may be used to pay the costs of equipment, supplies, software, technical support, or travel to do research or to report on the results of research at a professional conference.

Application deadline: March 1