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Top 49 MenNo. 29
Harvey Levin© Maury Phillips/WireImage.com
Vital Stats
Date of Birth:
September 2, 1951
Birth Location:
Los Angeles, California

Why Is He Famous?

As the managing editor of TMZ.com and the face of TMZ TV, Harvey Levin is a living symbol of change in the evolution of the news story. Once upon a time, people relied on newspapers for information about current events. Then along came television, nightly news broadcasts and popular full time news outlets like CNN and FOX News. Now in the age of the interwebs and our increased dependency on all things real time, Harvey Levin is leading the way when it comes to breaking news in the entertainment industry and breaking the collective backs of his competition. When it comes to getting the scoop, he's fast, furious… and honest? So he says.  

Editors' Rating: 76
Readers' Rating

Woman Magnetism


There are a lot of women who might be apprehensive about dating Harvey Levin for fear that he might publish their dirty laundry on TMZ if the relationship ever went sour. That won't be happening any time soon because Harvey Levin swings in another direction. Openly gay, he's been involved most recently with Andy Mauer, a former bodybuilder who is now a practicing chiropractor in Beverly Hills.  

You might wonder why cameras don't seem to follow Harvey Levin when he's away from the TMZ studio. Primarily, it's because he doesn't have a lot of time these days to be social (or get into trouble). He often works more than 10 hours a day and can't do any late nights because his days begin at 3 a.m. That said, there are a few simple pleasures that he takes pride in doing. He's a gym rat who works out daily at 4 a.m. and considers steak to be his only welcome departure from the land of healthy eating. In his rare moments of quiet time, Harvey Levin appreciates good television, and in keeping with his eye for pop culture, he has a soft spot for hot shows like Dexter and True Blood



Former law professor and People's Court personality Harvey Levin went from television legal analyst to top-notch celebrity newshound with three simple letters -- TMZ. Through TMZ's web site and matching television show, he's revolutionized how we get our Hollywood gossip, and has been first to break the news of major celebrity news items, with no bigger scoop than the first announcement of Michael Jackson's death. 

There is a very long list of celebrities (Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson and Christian Bale are a few) who won't be welcoming Harvey Levin to their next New Year's Eve celebrations. Despite their shared dislike of the man behind the TMZ curtain and the not-so-flattering information that he's posted about them, Harvey Levin insists that part of what makes him different from other celebrity-chasing news organizations is that he keeps his stories candid and truthful. The truth can be ugly, but as a former lawyer, Harvey Levin tries to take an ethical approach to his work by letting the truth speak for itself and not publishing hot-button scoops like medical records, photos of celebrity children or scoops that are obvious examples of celebrity stalking. He also asserts that some celebrities enjoy the attention that he gives them and are in on the act because a mention on TMZ means that they're still important.


"I'm really into the mundane -- I think you can really make the mundane fun. On TMZ we can do a minute on someone getting out of a car and make it funny. What makes that compelling is that it's real."
– Harvey Levin


Harvey Levin grew up in Los Angeles, and as a young adult his goal was to become a law professor. After obtaining an undergraduate degree from the University of California in Santa Barbara, he went to the Windy City to earn his JD at the University of Chicago Law School. Harvey Levin's successful completion of the bar exam gave him the power to make his teaching wishes come true, so he returned to Los Angeles to teach law at what is now called Whittier College School of Law in 1977.

The career path of Harvey Levin changed directions when he was asked by his school dean to participate in debates surrounding the taxation-themed Proposition 13. His work on the project brought increased media attention and landed Harvey Levin a weekly radio gig, his own column in the Los Angeles Times and a string of television appearances. Now a budding media personality, the established law professor was curious about what else was out there.

harvey levin on the people's court and celebrity justice

The next step in Harvey Levin's career saw him combine his legal prowess with his new projects on television. He became a legal analyst for The People's Court, a show that he would be associated with on and off for 25 years, culminating in a successful run as the show's producer. He also took an interest in the investigative side of reporting, but it almost backfired during the O.J. Simpson trial, when he accused prosecutor Marcia Clark of entering the defendant's house without a warrant, only to have his "evidence" proven wrong.

Harvey Levin's experience observing the trial of O.J. Simpson left him fascinated by celebrities and crime. As a result, he developed an idea for a show called Celebrity Justice that would provide insight and exploration into these two topics. Unfortunately, the television networks weren't keen on the idea and it took seven years for it to finally come to fruition. When it did, the show was a mild success until its cancellation in 2005, something that Harvey Levin felt was due to poor time slots that didn't cater well to the idea of breaking entertainment news.

harvey levin and tmz

In 2005, Harvey Levin was offered the job of managing editor for a new web site venture called TMZ -- an abbreviation for the "thirty mile zone" around Hollywood where studio productions are still considered local. Harvey Levin initially balked at the offer because he didn't feel comfortable on the internet, but he then realized that the 24/7 power of the internet would give him news-breaking capabilities that he never had on television. Harvey Levin took the job and hired back many of his old Celebrity Justice staffers, and the web site quickly became a celebrity news magnet. Intimate details of Mel Gibson's DUI arrest, the audio recording of Alec Baldwin's notorious answering machine outburst, and the video of Michael Richards' career-killing racist stand-up disaster were some of TMZ's most newsworthy stories. Naturally, a TV spin off of TMZ on TV debuted in 2007 with Harvey Levin in the driver's seat.

Within four years, TMZ.com was receiving over 10 million visitors per month and the stories just kept on getting bigger. In 2009, Harvey Levin took his site into the political arena to show how the Chicago-based Northern Trust Bank spent a significant chunk of their federal bailout money on ritzy concert events, which eventually forced the company to make a pledge to pay it back. Then, after breaking the news of Christian Bale's Terminator: Salvation on-set spazz and the infamous Chris Brown and Rihanna assault case, TMZ.com was the first media outlet in the world to publish the news of Michael Jackson's passing. While the launch of another Harvey Levin television creation, Beyond Twisted, was a bust, he remained in the spotlight after winning a bet with John Mayer that he could produce a mugshot from the singer's 2001 arrest. After the picture went live at TMZ.com, John Mayer donated $25K to two of Harvey Levin's favorite animal charities. The result was a lot of happy puppies, especially three new ones. Their names? John Mayer, TMZ and Harvey Levin.
Rating: N/A
Amuse0ne says:

It's sad really...reading all this pathetic crap about a gay-assed hollywood Jew. None of you were ever on his radar anyways so who gives a f..k. Besides this site is ask men not ask a bunch of love-sick girls.

Posted 2009-10-08 01:18:49 EST
bucklesveronica says:

im sick i...............ask this man for a date on his website ....... i guess i know what the answer is ...................... and i spelled tramp wrong in my last comment.....................veronica

Posted 2009-09-13 22:59:33 EST
bucklesveronica says:

problaly he hasnt found the right lady there a lot of traps out there and he just is confused.................veronica

Posted 2009-09-13 22:53:09 EST
bucklesveronica says:

what a sad day ............... he cant be gay

Posted 2009-09-13 22:49:22 EST
bucklesveronica says:

no he cant be gay my mouth dropped when i read this article that he is openly gay i nearly fainted oh my god what is this world comming to so there really is 1 man for 5 women

Posted 2009-09-13 22:45:47 EST
Rating: N/A
girlfromOz says:

I too heard he's gay and thought, Noooooo! IIt can't be true! I 'm another girl who swoons for Harvey. I adore his dry sense of humor. I love watching TMZ, and not just to see Harvey, but for the repartee between himjand his staff. It's their sassy commentary - the quips that point out the cultural subtext - that really makes the show so much fun.

Posted 2009-07-24 06:33:44 EST
your_friend_cole says:

OMG, I would still drop everything in a heartbeat to have a chat with Harvey...there is just something about him that I cannot resist, is it the smile, the style? Harvey is TMZ for me!

Posted 2009-07-23 23:48:08 EST
Shironi says:

Hi Harvey. Where was Max Friday July 17,09 he's one of the reason I watch your show and for you of course. Your both very appealing people. Good to look at , nice to listen too. Have a good weekend

Posted 2009-07-18 01:28:46 EST
raven says:

I need to get my gaydar looked at. How can Harvey be gay? That's just wrong, all wrong. I am a straight woman and I can't believe he's gay. Even though I now know he's gay, I still want to kiss him.

Posted 2009-06-11 20:52:05 EST
Rating: N/A
Smitty says:

Talk about gaydar being off...I am a straight woman & I watch TMZ everyday just to see Harvey. Wow, I guess I need to send that sucker in for a tune up.

Posted 2009-06-05 22:26:12 EST

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