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"The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Build them into rippling hunks of power. Stretch them into supple cords of elastic energy. Temper them into superhuman springs of strength. Muscles make you move and they're a key part of fitness. Learn how to master them with the latest workout techniques, equipment, and nutrition. Uncover the secrets to muscle growth and strength. Bust muscle myths and become a guru of strength and mass training. Learn how your muscles burn fat and how they can be at the center of your weight loss program. Find recipes to cook up real muscle-building meals and discover what foods and drinks can help or hinder muscle growth.

Muscles on AM

We're obsessed with muscles. Mesomorphic hulks adorn the covers of magazines, are featured in action films, and are generally considered to be the pinnacle of manliness. Want to look and feel sexier, stronger, and sleeker? Work on your muscles.

Muscles Fact:

Fat and muscle are two different things. You can build muscle while building fat (nosh on nothing but double cheeseburgers and you’ll see what we mean) or lose fat without building muscle. You can’t magically transmute fat to muscle.

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Topic Result(s):12

How To Get Ripped

AM Editor's Pick

How To Get Ripped

Staying healthy is one thing, but what if you want people to see your hard work? Wear your workout in your muscle definition.

Alcohol & Muscles Alcohol & Muscles

A cold one might sound refreshing this summer, but it's definitely not going to help you get rid of that post-winter beer gut.

The Truth About Abdominal Training The Truth About Abdominal Training

Don't let these abdominal myths hold you back from achieving that washboard stomach.

Get Ripped Abs Get Ripped Abs

Those six-pack abs you've always dreamed of can be yours with this ultimate ab workout.

9 Fitness Myths 9 Fitness Myths

From thinking you need to spend hours in the gym to believing that bulk equals strength, we disprove 9 fitness myths.

12 Tips To Relax Your Muscles 12 Tips To Relax Your Muscles

From breathing right to hanging upside down, check out 12 ways to relax and better develop your muscles.

How Stretching Can Make You Stronger How Stretching Can Make You Stronger

Increase your strength, improve your performance, and make your body leaner by learning how to stretch your muscles properly.

Stretching Can Perfect Your Muscles

While stretching may not seem cool, you could be missing out on muscle growth and end up hurting yourself.

Which Muscles Respond Quickest?

By knowing the difference between fast twitch and slow twitch muscles, you'll know how to get bigger muscles in less time.

Develop Your Strength

You may be pumping iron like no tomorrow, but if your genetics and age have anything to do with it, you won't get any stronger.

Training Opposing Muscle Groups

If you want to avoid injury while training, you must exercise every muscle's opposing muscle and be buff all around.

The Basics Of Bulking Up

Before you hit the gym, take our crash course on muscle mass by knowing what goals to set and what food to eat.

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