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Please note that this list provides only partial information about the many meetings that take place at the OECD. Most meetings listed in this OECD calendar are closed to the public and mentioned only as a guide to current OECD activities. See list of high-level ministerial meetings. For further information, please contact the Media Division.


 recently added events

Last update: 7/10/2009





World Bank Group and IMF 2009 annual meetings.  Participation of the OECD Secretary-General    Istanbul, Turkey.


Forests: annual meeting of the OECD Forest Scheme, organised by the Trade and Agriculture Directorate.  Kigali, Rwanda.


Patent Statistics for Policy Decision Making, conference organised by the EPO and the OECD, in co-operation with DIME Network of Excellence, EPIP, Eurostat, JPO, NSF, USPTO and WIPO. Vienna, Austria.


Scaling Up Renewable Energy, Global Renewable Energy Forum co-organised by the Ministry of Energy of Mexico and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization/UNIDO.  Participation of the International Energy Agency. León, Mexico.  


Pensions at a Glance 2009, presented by Edward Whitehouse, OECD Social Policy Division,  as part of the OECD Washington Centre Breakfast series, Washington, D.C., USA.


OECD statistics news releases: Composite Leading Indicators.


General Conference of UNESCO with participation of the Secretary-General, Paris, France.


What Works on Quality Teaching in Higher Education, conference organised by the OECD’s Programme for Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) and hosted by the Istanbul Technical University.  Istanbul, Turkey.


OECD statistics news releases: Harmonised Unemployment Rates.


Les Ateliers de l'OCDE media briefing, on invitation and in French, to present OECD's work on education issues, presented by Eric Charbonnier, economist in OECD Education Directorate. Organised by the OECD and the AJEF as part of a monthly series.


Developing Rural Policies to Meet the Needs of a Changing World, annual rural development conference organised by the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development with the Canadian authorities.  Québec, Canada.


World Knowledge Forum 2009. Participation of OECD. Seoul, Korea.


Meeting at ministerial level of the International Energy Agency.


Global Forum on Finance organised by the OECD/International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS), followed by Global Forum on Private Pensions.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Beyond the Global Crisis: the Transparency Initiative, conference organised by Transparency International with OECD participation. Berlin, Germany.


Fisheries committee meeting, organised by the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate.  Istanbul, Turkey.


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Enterprise: Measures for Innovation & Competitiveness, workshop organised by George Washington University, with participation of the OECD.  Washington, DC, USA.


Launch of the Energy Policies of Chile: Review 2009, by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Santiago de Chile, Chile.


Launch of publication, "Government at a Glance". 


Delhi high level conference on Climate Change: Technology Development and Transfer, co-organised by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).  Participation of OECD.  New Delhi, India.


Conference on SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, organised by the OECD LEED Programme/Local Economic and Employment Development of the Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development, in partnership with the Udine Chamber of Commerce.  Udine, Italy.


European Development Days.


Re-evaluating Supervisory, Regulatory and Monetary Policy, conference organised by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, with participation of OECD.  Chatham, MA, USA.


International Energy Week, with participation of IEA. Moscow, Federation of Russia.


Opening address by the Secretary-General at the International Tax Dialogue (ITD) conference on “Financial Institutions and Instruments – Tax Challenges and Solutions” hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Finance.  Beijing, People’s Republic of China.


Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life: OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, organised by the OECD Statistics Directorate and the government of Korea.  Participation of the Secretary-General.  Busan, Korea.


Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials working group meeting, organised by the Environment Directorate.




Economic and Trade Implications of Policy Responses to Societal Concerns, workshop organised by the Trade and Agriculture Directorate.


Why Responsible Business Conduct Matters, regional conference organised by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and OECD.  Bangkok, Thailand. 


OECD statistics news releases: Consumer Price Index.


Launch of the Economic Survey of Ireland with participation of the Secretary-General. Dublin, Ireland.


Global Forum on Eco-Innovation, organised by the Environment Directorate.


Regional Senior Budget Officials network for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), meeting organised by the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development. Doha, Qatar.


Innovation Strategy: Education and Competencies, workshop organised by the IEA and the French government. International Energy Agency, Paris.


Global Forum on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Integrity, sponsored by International Organising Committee (including OECD, UNODC, Transparency International, several national governments), with OECD participation.  Doha, Qatar.


Opening speech by the Secretary-General at the Toronto Forum for Global Cities. Toronto, Canada.


Innovation for Social Challenges, conference organised by the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry.


Launch of the IEA World Energy Outlook 2009. London, UK.


Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourse and International Lakes - the Water Convention, Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Convention, with OECD participation.  Geneva, Switzerland.


UN Convention against Corruption, Conference of the State Parties, with OECD participation.  Doha, Qatar.


Africa Investment Initiative, two meetings organised by NEPAD-OECD. Ministerial meeting on Mobilising Resources for Trade and Investment, on 11/11, and high-level meeting of the Initiative: Boosting Private Investment in African Energy Infrastructure, on 12/11.  Johannesburg, South Africa.


New models of innovation for economic growth and sustainability, "ConnectResearch 09" conference organised jointly by the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and Cranfield University.


OECD statistics news releases: Quarterly Unit Labour Cost Indexes.


Global ICT Services Sourcing post-Crisis: Trends and Development, workshop organised by the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry.  Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.


APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.


Good governance at local and regional level in turbulent times: the challenge of change, ministerial conference organised by the Netherlands Ministries of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and Foreign Affairs, and the Council of Europe, with participation of OECD Deputy Secretary-General Aart de Geus.  Utrecht, the Netherlands.


International Trade in Goods and Trade in Services Statistics, working party meeting.  


FAO World Summit on Food Security, organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization, with participation of the OECD.  Rome, Italy.  


The Future for Inter-Urban Passenger Transport: Bringing Citizens Closer Together, symposium on transport, economics and policy, organised by the Joint Transport Research Centre of the OECD and the International Transport Forum. Madrid, Spain.


High-level Consortium meeting of the PARIS21 partnership, organised jointly by OECD and the government of Senegal. Followed by the African Symposium on Statistical Development.  Dakar, Senegal. 


World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), organised by the Qatar Foundation, with participation of the OECD.  Doha, Qatar.


The Korean G-20 Leadership: Assessing the Key issues for 2010, seminar with participation of the Secretary-General.  Seoul, Korea.


Social Inclusion conference organised by the OECD LEED Programme. Trento, Italy.


Ministerial eGovernment conference: Teaming Up for the eUnion, with participation of the Secretary-General.  Malmö, Sweden.


Ministerial conference on Road Safety, hosted by the Russian authorities.  Participation of OECD and International Transport Forum.  Moscow, Russian Federation.  


Middle East North Africa (MENA) ministerial conferenceBusiness Forum and Women Business Leaders Summit, and Governance Forum organised by the MENA-OECD Initiative.  Participation of the Secretary-General.  Marrakech, Morocco. 


Global Forum on Public Debt Management and Emerging Government Securities Markets, organised by the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development.   

30 - 1/12

Presentation of the OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2010: Migration and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, organised by the Development Centre, at the Ibero-American Summit. Participation of the Secretary-General.  Estoril, Portugal.




Senior Budget Officials network on performance and results, meeting organised by the Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development.


Launch of the OECD Investment Policy Review of India at a high-level symposium organised in co-operation with the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations.  Participation of the Secretary-General. New Delhi, India.


Facilities for Higher Education, conference organised by the Directorate for Education and the Centre for Effective Learning Environments.  Riga, Latvia.


The Crisis and Beyond: International Investment for a Stronger, Cleaner, Fairer Economy. Global Forum on International Investment, organised by the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affaires.


UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, COP15. Participation of the Secretary-General.  Copenhagen, Denmark.


Empowering E-Consumers: Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Internet Economy, conference organised by Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. Washington DC, USA.


International Network on Financial Education (INFE), meeting organised by the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.




Safer Schools, Safer Communities: Ensuring Safe and Secure Learning Environments for Children and Young People, conference organised by the Directorate for Education and the UK government.  London, UK.


World Economic Forum, participation of OECD Secretary-General.  Davos, Switzerland.




NATO Parliamentary Assembly, annual meeting at the OECD.


Global Forum on Competition, organised by the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affaires


Ministerial meeting on Agriculture, organised by the Directorate for Trade and Agriculture



Date TBC

Ministerial meeting for Central Asia / South Caucasus regions, organised by the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs


International Regulation of Water, high-level policy workshop organised by the University of Durham.  Participation of OECD Environment Directorate. Durham, United Kingdom.


Seeds: annual meeting of the OECD Seed Schemes organised by the Directorate for Trade and Agriculture.  Christchurch, New Zealand.




Workshop on Aquaculture, organised by the Trade and Agriculture Directorate.



May - October 2010:  OECD is partner of the Shanghai World Expo 2010 "Better City, Better Life."  See also OECD's work on urban development.



8-9 (TBC)

Global Forum on Trade, Globalisation, Comparative Advantage and Trade Policy.


Climate Change and Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, workshop organised by the Directorate for Trade and Agriculture.  Busan, Korea.


Environmental Biotechnology Research and Development workshop, organised by the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry.

Date TBC

International Economic Forum on Africa, organised by the OECD Development Centre and the African Development Bank.


Further ahead (dates subject to change)



News conference for the publication of "Education at a Glance".


Global Forum on Tax Treaties and Transfer Pricing.


Annual meeting of the OECD Forest Scheme organised by the Directorate for Trade and Agriculture.



Sustainable Materials Management, OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Development.  Mechelen, Belgium.


Ministerial meeting on health, organised by the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs.


Risk Management in Agriculture, conference organised by the Directorate for Trade and Agriculture.



Education Policy Committee meets at ministerial level.


Public Governance Committee meets at ministerial level. 



"Bologna+10": Small and Medium-Term Enterprises (SMEs) and Entrepreneurship high level meeting.


Global Forum on Agriculture.



50th anniversary of the signing of the OECD Convention.

Launch of "Jobs For Youth: Synthesis Report".

Towards a common model?; symposium on International Investment Agreements, organised by the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affaires with the UN Conference on Trade and Development/UNCTAD.

Global Forum on International Investment, organised by the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs.

Publication of the latest PISA Survey results (OECD's Programme for International Students Assessment).


Managing the crisis: from recovery policies to long-term reforms. Remarks by Angel Gurría, delivered at the annual meeting of senior officials from Centres of Government, Paris 1 October

OECD Debate at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of EuropeRemarks by Angel Gurría,Strasbourg, 30 September 2009


Beyond the crisis: what is the jobs potential of shifting towards a low-carbon economy?Opening remarks by Angel Gurría, delivered at the meeting of OECD Employment and Labour Ministers Paris, 29 September 2009


Preventing the jobs crisis from casting a long shadow. Opening remarks by Angel Gurría, delivered at the Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting 2009, OECD Paris, 28 September 2009

G20 Summit: An Update on the Move to Greater Transparency and International Cooperation in Tax Matters, remarks by Angel Gurría, to the G20 Leaders, Pittsburgh, 25 September 2009

G20 Summit: Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth. Remarks by Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General to the G20 Leaders, Pittsburgh, 25 September 2009

News from the Secretary-General's webpage  


Managing the crisis: from recovery policies to long-term reforms
Remarks by Angel Gurría at the annual meeting of senior officials from centres of government
Paris 1 October

OECD Debate at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Remarks by Angel Gurría, Strasbourg, 30 September


Beyond the crisis: what is the jobs potential of shifting towards a low-carbon economy?
Opening remarks by Angel Gurría, at the meeting of OECD Employment and Labour Ministers
Paris, 29 September


Preventing the jobs crisis from casting a long shadow
Opening remarks by Angel Gurría, at the Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting, Paris, 28 September

G20 Summit: An Update on the Move to Greater Transparency and International Co-operation in Tax Matters,
Remarks by Angel Gurría, to the G20 Leaders, Pittsburgh, 25 September

G20 Summit: Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth
Remarks by Angel Gurría to the G20 Leaders, Pittsburgh, 25 September 


The economics of climate change mitigation



Selected forthcoming OECD publications 

  • A Microeconomic Perspective
  • Innovation in the Software Sector
  • OECD Tax Policy Studies: Taxation of SMEs - Key Issues and Policy Considerations
  • OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Vietnam 2009
  • OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Mexico 2009
  • OECD e-Government Studies Rethinking e-Government Services: User-Centred Approaches
  • Students with Disabilities, Learning Difficulties and Disadvantages in the Baltic States, South Eastern Europe and Malta: Educational Policies and Indicators
  • IEA Scoreboard 2009: 35 Key Energy Trends over 35 Years
  • Government at a Glance 2009
  • Health at a Glance 2009
  • International Transport Forum Round Tables: Competitive Interaction between Airports, Airlines and High-Speed Rail

Upcoming visits to OECD





6     Danish Ship Owners' Association

9     Parliamentarians

12   St. Petersburg State University

16   Australian parliamentarians

19   Urios Bestuur Law Association - Netherlands

26   Utah State Unversity

27   Visits Asset Faculty Association - Netherlands




3     School Helmo Saint Martin - Belgium

9     Executive Board of Skolelederme - Denmark

10   Utrecht University School of Economics - Netherlands

11   Institute of Education, University of London - United Kingdom

19   European Corporate Security Association

20   The American University of Rome - Italy




3   Rotary Clubs Garches, Marnes, Vaucresson - France


Visit the OECD 


Some key OECD pages

Switzerland moves towards substantial implementation of tax information exchange

OECD and the Pittsburgh G20 Summit - boosting jobs, reshaping the global economy

OECD, WTO and UNCTAD call on G20 for stronger commitment to more open trade and investment

Invest in education to beat recession, boost earnings

Recovery arriving quicker than expected but activity will remain weak, says OECD

OECD Observer

Frequently Asked Questions at OECD

OECD Centres:  WashingtonTokyoMexico, Berlin.


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Global downturn

Tackling the crisis