OECD Observer
Countries » OECD » Finland
  • Mari Kiviniemi, Finland's Minister of Public Administration & Local Government

    ©Finnish government

    Roundtable on regional policy

    The global economic crisis is affecting families and communities across the planet. With regions bearing the brunt of the crisis, affecting businesses, jobs and people generally, regional policies are very much part of the solution.

    (2753 words)
  • Finland: Investment declines

    Economic activity has slowed substantially, mainly due to a decline in investment. Output growth is projected to be subdued in 2009, before recovering during 2010. Unemployment is likely to drift up during 2009, but should stabilise in 2010. Lower commodity prices and growing slack in the economy should bring down inflation from the current high rate.

    (132 words)
  • ©David Rooney

    Broadband wind rises

    The number of broadband subscribers in the OECD rose to 235 million by December 2007, up 18% from 200 million subscribers in December 2006.This growth increased broadband penetration rates to 20 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, up from 16.9 in December 2006.

    (278 words)
  • Anu Vehviläinen ©Finnish government

    Towards integrated policies

    Transport is a major contributor to CO2 emissions. But can policymakers make a difference? We asked Anu Vehviläinen, Finland’s minister for transport, and chair of the first International Transport Forum in Leipzig in May 2008.

    (688 words)
  • Science rocks

    Finland took the number one spot in the OECD’s PISA 2006 survey, a comprehensive and much-quoted international yardstick of secondary school student performance. Finland was followed by Hong Kong- China, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Estonia, Japan and New Zealand. Australia, the Netherlands, Korea, Germany, the UK, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and Ireland also scored above the OECD average. Mexico finished last among OECD countries.

    (572 words)
  • Finland: Output to moderate

    Output grew by 5% in 2006, and strong growth has continued into 2007, underpinned by a robust export performance and sustained strength in consumption. While healthy employment growth is projected to continue, leading to a further decline in unemployment, output growth is expected to moderate.

    (123 words)

NOTE: All signed articles in the OECD Observer express the opinions of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the OECD or its member countries.

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