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Green groups open 'climate war room'

Participants at an Energy Citizens rally wave signs in Anchorage.
The cap-and-trade movement is trying to persuade Democrats that they won't suffer for taking another tough vote. (AP Photo)

Bill says 'tax' when Obama said 'not'

Obama says there won't be a tax increase with the new health-care bill -- but the bill may say otherwise.

Is Lieberman at it again?

His search for a compromise on climate change could infuriate liberals all over again.  

Moderate Dems may buck Obama plan

Blue Dogs and others eye proposal to scrap the president’s financial regulator.

Dems squabble over who will pay

Democrats don’t see eye to eye on who should foot the bill for health care reform.

Wanted: A Senate health-care leader

The Dem-versus-Dem battle over Max Baucus’s health proposal is more than just political posturing.

Playbook: Pentagon note

DOD is glad for WaPo redactions in Afghanistan commander's assessment leaked to Woodward.

The Obama marathon: the highlights

POLITICO rounds up the good, bad and ugly from Obama's marathon of Sunday show appearances.

GOP unmoved by Sunday shows blitz

They continue to hammer their message that his reform plan is a gov't takeover of health care.

Obama: Health plan 'not radical'

Denies the reform will raise taxes on the middle class.

VIDEO: Obama's 'Full Ginsberg'

Video highlights from Obama's 'Full Ginsberg' tour of Sunday talk shows. (AP Photo)

Wallace on WH: 'Bunch of crybabies'

Fox host takes Obama to task for skipping his "fair and balanced" Sunday show.

Obama punts on ACORN funding

Has little desire to discuss scandal-plagued group.

ACORN funding ban unconstitutional?

It might take a single lawsuit to blow the House ban.

Gibbs doesn't deny Paterson story

He doesn't dispute reports that W.H. asked New York Gov. David Paterson to drop reelection campaign.

Obama 'skeptical' about more troops

He warns U.S. commanders that he's “skeptical” about whether a surge would help in Afghanistan.

Why Israelis and Palestinians will meet

The announcement changes the Mideast headline from “stalemate” to “breakthrough.”

Probe, not 'witch hunt,' says Obama

Obama says he won't interfere with the DOJ investigation of Bush-era interrogation techniques.

Will dancing DeLay soften his edge?

In an Ideas piece, Johnson asks if DeLay's "Dancing" debut will help change public perception of him.

Pallone angling for Senate seat?

Rep. Frank Pallone isn’t running for governor in New Jersey, but sometimes it's hard to tell.

Deeds, McDonnell face online voters

“Battleground Virginia” special will air on October 6.

Romney rouses Values Voters

Ex-presidential candidate uses address to critique Obama on fiscal and defense issues.

GOP is right to release its wrath

In an Ideas piece, Rosen says in the world of politics, wrath can be a powerful motivator.

Political eclipses: Issues shade D.C.

In an Ideas piece, the authors say health care now dominates the agenda like nothing has in a long time.

Battleground Virginia
Wuerking Drawings
Values Voter Summit poll
Who should have won the presidential straw poll at the Values Voter Summit?

 Mike Huckabee

 Sarah Palin

 Tim Pawlenty

 Mike Pence

 Mitt Romney

 Someone else.

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