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Travis County

Welcome to Travis County's FREE Email Subscription Services

The commissioners court meets in a voting session every Tuesday to conduct county business. Subscribers to this list receive the court's agenda for those voting sessions.

This "Commissioners Court Voting Session Agendas" mailing list generates approximately 6 email message(s) per month. (see our privacy policy)

How to subscribe

To subscribe, fill in your email address and name below.

If you use a spam filter, you may experience problems signing up for this service. To ensure that you are able to receive email from both and, add both addresses to your email address book before subscribing.

If you need assistance with this service please contact the list administrator.

E-mail address:




Your privacy

In compliance with Chapter 552 section 137 of the Texas Government Code (Public Information), an email address you provide to this web site for the purpose of communicating with a governmental body is confidential and may not be disclosed without your permission, except to another governmental body or federal agency. This does not apply to you if you have a contractual relationship with the county, you are a vendor who seeks to contract with the county, or your email address is provided in response to bids or requests for proposals. (Please note that including your email address in your letterhead or other paper documents submitted to the county may result in its disclosure if that document is a matter of public record.)

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Last Modified: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 5:20 PM