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Picturing America School Collaboration Projects
Connecting Picturing America images and courses in the core curriculum. Deadline: October 7, 2009

Roll over conference title for more information

lincoln photoTeaching Abraham Lincoln, a one-stop portal for lessons and student interactives resources on the life, times and achievement of our 16th president.

New at EDSITEment
After School:
Inventing the Future
EDSITEment’s Advanced Placement US History Lessons
EDSITEment Student Interactive Index

Special Features Index
Indexes of lesson plans, features, and websites with common special feature themes.

Reference Shelf
Featuring EDSITEment's
Literary Glossary

About EDSITEment
EDSITEment's history, partners, and content review process.


Benjamin Franklin's Many “Hats”

Benjamin Franklin statue, Hiram Powers4b. Hiram Powers (1805–1873), Benjamin Franklin, 1862. Marble, height 97 1/2 in., width 34 7/8 in., depth 21 5/8 in. (247.7 x 88.6 x 54.9 cm.). U.S. Senate Collection.
Ben Franklin, a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was also a philanthropist, community leader, patriot, and the only Founding Father who wrote an autobiography. His many- sided achievements exemplify the opportunities opened up by the Revolution. More . . .

John Marshall, Marbury v Madison and Judical Review—How the Court Became Supreme

John Marshall image on Supreme Court bronze doors If James Madison was the "father" of the Constitution" John Marshall was the "father of the Supreme Court"almost single-handedly clarifying its powers. This new lesson is designed to help students understand Marshall's brilliant strategy in issuing his decision on Marbury v. Madison, More . . .

This Month's Feature
This month's feature

National Hispanic Heritage Month

EDSITEment highlights the Mission Nuestra Señora de la Concepción from the "Picturing America" initiative to celebrate the heritage of the Latino people whose cultural roots span Europe, Africa, and the Americas. EDSITEment also has a companion lesson plan Mission Nuestra Señora de la Concepción and the Spanish Mission in the New World, more . . . .

Features/Spotlights Archive

connections link image
NEH-funded and other PBS features with relevant EDSITEment resources. Native Americans, Afghanistan, Modern Presidents, Camelot, WWII, Whitman, and More. . .

NEH's Humanities Magazine

Humanities magazine cover, September/October, 2009

September/October. From Samuel Johnson to steam engines, and "Advice and Consent" in between, a feast for your mind and your classroom.

migrant worker with bedroll, walking down roadAmerica in Hard Times: How We Dealt with Economic Adversity. A focus on the hard times that challenged previous generations and the lessons they can still teach us. More . . .