lady margaret roper school cardinal newman tradition Publication legacy of st. thomas more christ the teacher chapel
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All men, said Aristotle, by nature desire to know. What we know, those ideas and images to which we give our minds and hearts, is who we are. And because thought is for the sake of action, what we know tells us how to touch the world and what the particular dimensions of the adventure that is our life will be.

Through teaching the Great Books in the disciplines of literature, philosophy, theology, and the classical languages, through its community life, and through participation in the overseas interterms in Rome, Oxford, and Greece, the College of Saint Thomas More offers you an opportunity to become a member
of the tradition that has formed the intellect of the West.

The learning that comes from the books and conversation
of the College, to be cherished in itself, will take each of us along a road that leads beyond ideas and books, into the realms that are first political, making us good members of the city, and then personal, into knowledge of ourselves, of others who walk beside us, into knowledge of God who made us.

Spring and Fall Events

October 5, 2009 - Blessing of the new Chapel of Christ the Teacher
Bishop Kevin Vann of the Diocese of Fort Worth will bless the Chapel of Christ the Teacher at 5:00 p.m., followed by Mass and reception.

November 7, 2009 - Cardinal Newman Lecture
"Newman and Cheserton". This year the Cardinal Newman Lecture will be given by Dr. William Oddie, who is a former editor of The Catholic Herald and author of Dickens and Carlyle, The Roman Option, and most recently Chesterton and the Romance of Orthodoxy. The lecture will be held at the Catholic Church of St. Mary the Virgin, 1408 N. Davis Dr., Arlington Texas. For more information, please contact the College of St. Thomas More.

November 21, 2009 - C.S. Lewis / J.R.R. Tolkien Lecture
“Lewis, Tolkien and the Culture War”. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Peter Kreeft as our lecturer for this splendid event. Dr. Peter Kreeft, a long time friend of the College, is professor of philosophy at Boston College and King's College in New York and author of over 45 books. The lecture will be held at Highland Park Presbyterian Church, 3821 University Boulevard, Dallas Texas. Please contact the College for more information.

May 22 - 23, 2009 - Organ dedication in the new Chapel of Christ the Teacher and Class of 2009 Graduation
The Chapel of Christ the Teacher was finished and opened on May 22 with the dedication of a new organ given to the College by Dr. Burton Patterson, member of the Fort Worth Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The following afternoon, the first major liturgy took place with the graduation of the Class of 2009. Click here to see pictures of the new chapel, and here to see pictures of the graduation.





Therein lies the nobility of the faith, that we have the heart to dare something. Cardinal Newman

Fall Lecture Series

Cardinal Newman Lecture
"Newman and Chesterton"
November 7, 2009

C.S. Lewis / J.R.R Tolkien Lecture
"Lewis, Tolkien and the Culture War"
November 21, 2009