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Securing Your Java ARchive (JAR) Files
If your JAR needs the capability to access resources outside the JVM, sign it. The user can then feel secure in granting the required permission for your JAR to perform its actions.

Java ARchive (JAR) Files 101
JAR is the Java way of compressing a file. Learn how to use some basic and advanced features of this fundamental tool.

Java Socket Programming in Client/Server Applications
Java provides all the capabilities required to develop socket-based applications relatively easily—and it hides all the complexity involved.

A Project Management Office is More Powerful Than a Locomotive
Project success is often won or lost in the planning stages, that why having a project management office can be a boon to your success rate. Michelle LaBrosse will now extol the virtues of adding a PMO to your operation.

Non-Blocking I/O Made Possible in Java
Java SE7 "Dolphin" release is nearing and we're chomping at the bit. So let's dig in and review non-blocking IO, a feature of java.nio (New I/O) package that is a part of Java v1.4, v1.5 and v1.6 and we'll also take a peek at the java.nio.file (NIO.2) package.

Project Lombok: Put an End to Java Verbosity
The introduction of Project Lombok, a combination compile-time and development-time code generator, has made Java POJO verbosity history. Add Lombok to your daily coding practices, and you won't go back.

A Guide to Determine When You Need a Java Interface
You definitely need an interface if your needs match either of the two scenarios discussed in this tip.

Return a Unique Bean Instance from a Spring Container
Define the bean as a prototype bean.

Using String.split(String) vs. Using a StringTokenizer
It's not always safe to use String.split(String). Consider using the String Tokenizer API instead.

Define and Execute a Groovy Bean Inside a Spring Application Context
How to define and execute a groovy Bean inside a Spring application context.

Real-Time Java Programming for the Rest of Us
Get a down-to-earth definition of real-time systems and their associated concepts from two of Sun's Java real-time programming experts.

JAX-RS: Developing RESTful Web Services in Java
Learn how the JAX-RS API and annotations enable you to develop REST-based web services in Java. using annotations.

Applets, Applications, Servlets
NEW: Otto's Obstacles
This is a small puzzle game with 10 levelsall completable, made from Dave Koelle's Java Boulderdash, but with it's own rules and graphics.

NEW: Gerotor Pump Calculator GRPC061220
Gerotor pumps are popular in a few industriesin automotive engine and transmission applications, for example. This Gerotor Pump Calculator applet provides a pump designer with a hopefully convenient starter tool, providing solid ground for beginners.

NEW: Cannon Defender
The object of this game is to shoot your enemy planes before they drop their bombs on you. Your enemies are not that bright and often drop their bombs on each other. To play this game, use the arrow keys to move the barrell of your cannon from left to right. PRess the spacebar to fire. Click the screen to pause the game. Remember to take the wind into consideration when firingyour shots may just come back to hit you!

draw4free is a free, object-oriented, Java-based, 2D+, SVG, online, vector drawing program.

Roving Eyes
Roving Eyes are superimposed on an image specified in an applet param. The eyes follow the mouse around the page, even beyond the borders of the applet (thanks to some simple JavaScript included in the example).


Palm's App Store Getting Ready for Lift Off
October 6, 2009 --
In an approach that's the polar opposite of Apple's, Palm is set to open app distribution to the entire webOS developer community.

News Flash: Adobe Has iPhone Workaround
October 5, 2009 --
Adobe fell just short of providing full Flash capability, but the workaround lets developers create iPhone apps that support Flash.

Adobe's Flash 10.1 Goes Mobile (Minus iPhone)
October 5, 2009 --
Adobe's next version of Flash supports Windows Mobile, Google's Android, Palm's webOS and RIM' BlackBerry platforms. Missing from the list: Apple's iPhone.

A Salute to Visionary CEOs
October 2, 2009 --
A look at 10 visionary executives who prove that tech may be down, but it's not out.

Ubuntu Karmic Koala Makes Its Beta Debut
October 2, 2009 --
From the blog: An early look at the next iteration of the popular Linux distro.

 Avaya Developer Showcase
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Internet Cyclone
This powerful, easy-to-use, internet optimizer is for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. It's designed to automatically optimize your Windows settings, boosting your Internet connection up to 200%.

Palm's App Store Getting Ready for Lift Off
News Flash: Adobe Has iPhone Workaround
Adobe's Flash 10.1 Goes Mobile (Minus iPhone)
A Salute to Visionary CEOs
Ubuntu Karmic Koala Makes Its Beta Debut
Yahoo's Open Source Zimbra Gets Social
Agile Development Method Growing in Popularity
Mozilla, Google in Dustup Over Chrome Plug-in
Yahoo Opens Its Home Page to Customization
Google Shuts Down Android Dev Site

WPF Wonders: Building Control Templates
Project Lombok: Put an End to Java Verbosity
Get Ready for Windows 7
Exploratory Software Testing: The Case for Manual Testing
Building Location-Based Applications for the iPhone
Executing Stored Procedures and Functions From PHP in Windows
Real-Time Java Programming for the Rest of Us
Hey, Check Out My Slick New Editor!
JAX-RS: Developing RESTful Web Services in Java
Recovering Data from a Corrupt MS Access Table

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