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Washington to Be Coal Free by 2025

The governor’s office, the legislature and TransAlta were able to broker a deal that received bipartisan support on the Senate floor


Today's Climate

Greenland and Antarctica's ice sheets are shrinking more quickly, suggesting UN projections for sea-level rise are too conservative, a NASA study said.
Rep. Gene Green (D-Texas) said Wednesday he is working on compromise legislation to delay EPA climate regulations until technology to capture carbon emissions can be developed.
Oil and gas producer Algeria is sitting on huge reserves of shale gas that the country now intends to develop with the help of international partners, the OPEC member's energy minister said.
U.S. solar panel maker Evergreen Solar Inc recorded a $411 million net loss for the fourth quarter after taking charges and write-downs for closing its Devens, Massachusetts manufacturing plant.
The U.S. solar power sector grew 67 percent in 2010 but still lagged European markets by a wide margin in installing solar systems, the industry's trade group said on Thursday.
The deadly heat wave that seared Russia last summer was driven primarily by a natural weather phenomenon, not man-made causes, government researchers said in a study Wednesday.
Two Chinese clean energy firms are planning share sales in Hong Kong to raise a total of $1.1 billion as the country ramps up its use of renewable energy, a report has said.  
The U.S. nuclear industry this week sued the Energy Department to suspend a fee imposed by the federal government for managing the radioactive spent fuel produced by America's nuclear power plants.
A Texas family sued companies involved in natural gas drilling Tuesday, alleging that operations related to more than 50 wells around their home caused various ailments and forced them to move out.