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National Wildlife Magazine
Oct/Nov 2009, vol. 47 no. 6
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About This Issue
Discoveries That Are Changing Our Perceptions
By Mark Wexler, Editorial Director
Backyard Habitat
For the Birds: Which Seeds Are Best?
By David Lukas
Natural Inquiries
Venom Emergency!
By Michael Tennesen
When Words Become Endangered
By Anne Keisman
The Water Wars Move East
By Doreen Cubie
NWF View
Dirty Politics for Dirty Fuels
By Larry J. Schweiger, President and Chief Executive Officer
Action Report
How National Wildlife Federation Is Making a Difference
This Month on the Internet
Vote for Your Favorite Landscape Image
Help us determine the winner of our "America the Beautiful" Photo Challenge
How Bees Cope with Midlife Change
Researchers look at female honeybees for answers
Herring Benefit from Night School
As sunlight fades, fish gather to spawn
Here’s Looking at You
Mockingbirds may all look alike to you, but the feeling is not mutual
Same-Sex Behavior in Animals
A new review of existing research finds that same-sex partnering occurs nearly universally throughout the natural world
Photo Challenge: "Birds on the Move"
Join the magazine's photo group and upload images for your chance to win

Photograph from featured article
Good News Numbers
By Jessica Snyder Sachs
Aided by recent advances in technology, scientists have discovered new populations of several seriously imperiled species
Photograph from featured article
Extreme Birds
By Dominic Couzens
Having the ability to fly puts physiological constraints on birds that most other animals don’t have to contend with, yet some feathered creatures have evolved remarkable physical traits
Photograph from featured article
A Taste For Blood
By Natalie Angier
From vampire bats to bedbugs, the creatures that feed on the vital body fluid have a long history of arousing fear and curiosity in people

Adopt a moose! Adopt a grizzly bear! Adopt a polar bear!
Adopt a gray wolf! Adopt a Canada lynx! Adopt a desert tortoise!
Adopt a bison! Adopt an American goldfinch! Adopt a harp seal!
Adopt an orca! Adopt an otter! Adopt a Florida panther!

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