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The Communications Center is one of the most vital services for the Police, Fire, and EMS departments. This division, located in the Police Department, is responsible for maintaining the lifeline link between the public and the responding emergency unit in the field. Communication Operators, or dispatchers, handle many types of calls ranging from the daily routine call to the life or death emergency. The dispatcher provides this necessary, indispensable service for the public and the responding units alike. We hope you enjoy your tour of this site and ask you to contact us with any questions or comments regarding the information provided.  

New! Cell Phone Situation

Dear 911 User,


With the implementation of new 911 technology, we’d like to clarify a couple of  points with you. 


  1. While the technology can get us close to where you are, it is still better if you can tell us where you are. If you know where you are, you will get the help you need much faster than if we have to search for you within so many feet or yards. (What if you’re at the mall with hundreds of other people?)

  2. This technology does not make us omnipresent, we still need to gather information from you about what you need, please stay on the line and answer our questions if possible.

  3. If your phone dials 911 we will attempt to call you back prior to dispatching an officer, if you made a mistake, tell us so, we’ll gladly hang up rather than sending an officer that could be used for something else.



Commonly Needed Numbers


  • Emergency 911

  • Lufkin Police Department

  • City Municipal Court 936-633-0315

  • Animal Control 936-633-0218

  • Lufkin Police Records

  •  Sheriff’s Office 936-634-3331

  •  Angelina County Jail 936-634-2724

  • TX DPS 936-699-7300

  • Memorial Hospital 936-634-8111

  • Woodland Heights  936-634-8311

  • Americare EMS 936-699-4911


What to do in an Emergency


  1. Remain Calm and Dial 911
  2. If medical in nature, is the patient awake and breathing? What Happened?
  3. Answer all questions to the best of your ability, all questions are necessary.
  4. DO NOT HANG UP! The operator will inform you of when you may hang up, sometimes there are instructions following the questions.
  5. REMEMBER, help is dispatched immediately, we will continue asking questions after help is on the way; please do not perceive our questions as a delay in receiving the help you need.





Assumptions Cause Delays


Just because you have in the past had a Police Officer, Ambulance, Fire Truck at your house does NOT mean that we know where you live, even if the response was recently, there are several different shifts of Officers, Paramedics, Firemen and Dispatchers working, When you call give us all of the information even if we were just at your home.