Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Michael Jackson

World Events

World Statistics

Population: 4.610 billion
population by decade

Nobel Peace Prize:
Alva Myrdal (Sweden) and Alfonso García Robles (Mexico)

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U.S. Events

U.S. Statistics

President: Ronald W. Reagan
Vice President: George Bush
Population: 231,664,458
Life expectancy: 74.5 years
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 56.0
Property Crime Rate (per 1,000): 50.3

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US GDP (1998 dollars):   $3,242.10 billion
Federal spending:   $745.76 billion
Federal debt:   $1137.3 billion
Median Household Income
(current dollars):  
Consumer Price Index:   96.5
Unemployment:   9.7%
Cost of a first-class stamp:   $0.20


Super Bowl
San Francisco d. Cincinnati (26-21)
World Series
St. Louis Cardinals d. Milwaukee Brewers (4-3)
NBA Championship
LA Lakers d. Philadelphia 76ers (4-2)
Stanley Cup
NY Islanders d. Vancouver (4-0)
Women: Martina Navratilova d. C. Evert Lloyd (6-1 3-6 6-2)
Men: Jimmy Connors d. J. McEnroe (3-6 6-3 6-7 7-6 6-4)
Kentucky Derby Champion
Gato Del Sol
NCAA Basketball Championship
North Carolina d. Georgetown (63-62)
NCAA Football Champions
Penn St. (11-1-0)
World Cup
Italy d. W. Germany (3-1)


Entertainment Awards

Pulitzer Prizes
Fiction: Rabbit Is Rich, John Updike
Music: Concerto for Orchestra, Roger Sessions
Drama: A Soldier's Play, Charles Fuller

Oscars awarded in 1982
Academy Award, Best Picture: Chariots of Fire, David Puttnam, producer (The Ladd Co.; Warner Bros.)

Nobel Prize for Literature: Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia)

1982 Emmy Awards

1982 Tony Awards

Grammys awarded in 1982
Record of the Year: "Bette Davis Eyes," Kim Carnes
Album of the Year: Double Fantasy, John Lennon and Yoko Ono (Warner Bros/Geffen)
Song of the Year: "Bette Davis Eyes," Donna Weiss and Jackie DeShannon, songwriters

Miss America: Elizabeth Ward (AR)

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  • E.T. – the Extra-Terrestrial, Tootsie, Gandhi, The Verdict


  • Michael Jackson, Thriller



Nobel Prizes in Science

Chemistry: Aaron Klug (UK), for research in the detailed structures of viruses and components of life

Physics: Kenneth G. Wilson (US), for analysis of changes in matter under pressure and temperature

Physiology or Medicine: Sune Bergstrom, Bengt Samuelsson (both Sweden), and John R. Vane (UK), for research in prostaglandins, hormonelike substances involved in a wide range of illnesses

  • A permanent artificial heart is implanted in a human for first time in Dr. Barney B. Clark, 61, at University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City (Dec. 2). Background: Health & Nutrition
  • The space shuttle Columbia makes its first mission, deploying two communications satellites (Nov. 16). Background: US Staffed Space Flights
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) diagnostic machines are introduced in Britain.
  • Washington University in St. Louis develops the Flavr Savr tomato, the first genetically-engineered plant approved for sale.


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