Real Teens


School Safety


How Can I...


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Go to college

That's a great idea! Choose a college that is accredited by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. You want to be sure that the time and money you spend on college will earn you a degree that will help you in your career.

Need financial aid? Contact your school guidance counselor or the college or university you would like to attend. In addition, both state and federal aid is available. Be careful not to fall for any scholarship scams, though.

Phony online degrees

Take Action
US Dept of Education:
SMART Grants
State of Texas:

Caution! Don't waste your money on a phony online diploma. And don't lose your money to a scholarship scam.

If you don't have to study, attend classes or get graded, the "college degree" is probably worthless.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott obtained judgments against two brothers who operated Trinity Southern University, a for-profit Dallas-based "university" that issued worthless online degrees.

Degree adYou can read the News Release about this lawsuit.

The Poe brothers were fined thousands for their phony diploma-mill scam, but victims are unlikely to get any of their money back. And when they claim to have a degree on a job application, they could be treated as if they had lied.

True Teen Stories
Real emails from real teens scammed by a phony online diploma mill:

  • Carl A.
    wants to know if he will get his money back. The answer is probably no.
  • Susan B.
    is worried that she has jeopardized her dream job by submitting phony credentials.

Most companies will reject any applicant who claims a degree he or she does not have. If they find out after they hire you, they might terminate you from your position.


Money Matters

College Degrees
Loans and Credit
Credit Cards
Shopping Online
Scams & Rip-offs
Buying a Car
Bank accounts
Got Scammed?


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