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Meet Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

General Abbott tells the compelling story of his own experience overcoming adversity: as a young man he was paralyzed in an accident.


"We all have obstacles in our lives. There are all kinds of paralysis, all kinds of things that hold people back. Maybe it's a lack of money, maybe it's family problems. Whatever it is, you don't have to let it stand in your way." - Attorney General Abbott

You are a unique and valuable individual, with much to give and contribute to our society. In the next few years you will join us adults as a worker, consumer, leader, and member of the community. We've got some information on this website that we hope will help you to build the best possible future life for yourself.

We invite you to look around. You'll find lots of videos, resources for all kinds of issues, ideas for report topics for school, and more. Enjoy yourself, stay safe, and let us know what you think. Thanks for stopping by.

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