School Crossing Control

Request for Traffic Signals, Stop Signs, Adult Crossing Guards, Reduced Speed Zones with Flashing Lights, or Crosswalks will be provided by the Traffic Engineering Department based on the following requirements. . .

TRAFFIC SIGNALS will be provided on "thoroughfare" streets if the crossing is more than (1980') one-thousand nine-hundred and eighty feet from another traffic signal and can be installed without seriously disrupting traffic progression. If the number of adequate gaps in the traffic stream during the period school students are using the crossing, is less than the number of minutes in that same time period, a traffic signal will be considered. A traffic signal installed under this policy will operate only (when practical) on school days. Traffic signals will operate from (1) one hour prior to the beginning of school to (1) one hour after the end of school, or any additional hours which meet (80%) eighty percent of the minimum volume requirements of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD).

Note: The periods to be studied are the (30) thirty minutes prior to the beginning of school and the (30) thirty minutes after the end of school, in (5) five minute increments.

STOP SIGNS will be provided on residential and collector streets in accordance with the TxMUTCD and the City of Lubbock Traffic Engineering Department policy on Stop, Yield, and No Control of Intersections.

ADULT CROSSING GUARDS will be provided only at Elementary Schools. Their presence at Elementary Schools will coincide with Reduced Speed Zones with Flashing Lights flash schedules. Adult Crossing Guards will be provided on "thoroughfare" streets. An adult guard will be provided on "residential" and "collector" streets when the number of adequate gaps in the traffic stream, during the period school students are using the crossing, is less than the number of minutes in that same time period, and stop signs or traffic signals do not protect the crossing.

REDUCED SPEED ZONES WITH FLASHING LIGHTS will be provided for public school campuses, when a crosswalk crossing a "thoroughfare" street is not protected with a traffic signal, or when a crosswalk adjacent to the school, crossing a "residential" or "collector" street is not protected with a traffic signal, stop sign, or adult guard. The reduced speed limit on "residential" and "collector" streets shall be 20mph. On "thoroughfare" streets the reduced speed limit shall be 20mph (on city maintained streets), and 15mph below the posted speed limit on state highways, but not lower than 20mph. (i.e. 45mph speed limit, 30mph reduced speed school zone). The reduced speed zone shall begin (200') two-hundred feet in advance of the crossing and shall end (200') two-hundred feet beyond the crossing. The reduced speed zone shall be in effect only (when practical) on school days, for Elementary Schools (1) one hour prior to the beginning of school, and for (1) one hour after the end of school, for Jr High and High Schools, (45) forty-five minutes prior to the beginning of school and for (30) thirty minutes after the end of school. Designated High Schools will have reduced speed zones in effect for (1) one hour during the lunch break.

Note: The Traffic Engineering Department, with the School District's input, and the study data, shall determine the necessity of a reduced speed zone with flashing lights. The City Traffic Engineer will make the final decision on any installation of a Reduced Speed Zone with Flashing Lights.

CROSSWALKS shall be limited to one crosswalk per street per school when practical. The Traffic Engineering Department, with the School District's input (or principal's), and the study data, shall determine the necessity of a crosswalk. Unprotected crosswalks shall be used only if it is not practical for school students to use a protected crosswalk.

MINIMUM PEDESTRIAN VOLUME, in order to justify a Traffic Signal, Adult Crossing Guard, Reduced Speed Zone with Flashing Lights, or Crosswalks, the number of school students crossing during a crossing period must average at least (10) ten.

Note: The average number of school students counted is during (6) six crossing times.

Traffic Engineering Office, 775-2132