Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program

The City of Lubbock receives an Energy Assistance Grant from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to assist low-income persons with energy assistance.

The primary goal of the Texas Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program is fourfold:
1. To assist a household in developing goals for energy self-sufficiency through case management and a co-payment utility plan.

2. To provide relief to low-income elderly and disabled households most vulnerable to the high cost of energy from home heating and cooling.

3. To provide assistance in an energy related crisis.

4. To address inefficient home heating and cooling appliances through a retrofit, repair and replacement program.

Priority shall be given to households with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of their income for residential energy. Priority populations are the elderly, disabled and families with young children under six years of age.

The City of Lubbock subcontracts with local agencies to operate the three utility components and administers the heating/cooling component in-house. Services are provided to residents of Lubbock County including homeowners and renters.

Components of the Grant

Elderly & Disabled: The elderly/disabled component is intended to assist elderly individuals who are 60 years of age or older. A disabled household is defined as a household with at least one member, age 18 or older, who has a disability. Documentation of disability must be provided through one of the following: 1. Social Security Disability (SSDI) 2. Supplement Social Security Income (SSI) 3. A doctor’s letter stating that the individual has a disability that will last more than twelve (12) months.

In order to avoid duplication of applicants those individuals that meet the above criteria that are disabled age 60 or above can call for an appointment to Neighborhood House (741-0459). Individuals that are disabled age 59 and younger can call Life Independent Living Centers (795-5433). The Program does not allow payments for deposits, reconnect, or late fees or penalties. The service must be on and remain on.

Energy Crisis: A bona fide energy crisis exists when extraordinary events or situations resulting from extreme weather conditions or fuel supply shortages have depleted or will deplete household financial resources and or have created problems in meeting basic household expenses.

Under Energy Crisis the Billing Cycle must have at least three (3) days in which the temperature dropped to 26° or below or during the summer 95° or above. The Department (TDHCA) can also declare a statewide energy crisis and the above criteria would not have to be met.

This program pays for usage only of electricity or gas for the Crisis Cycle, no arrears, late charges, or deposits. Service must be on and remain on. Neighborhood House will also operate this program call for appointment at 741-0459.

Co-Pay: The Co-payment component is to achieve long-term energy self-sufficiency by reducing the energy cost burden for low-income households through case management activities. Co-payment clients must enroll for a minimum period of three months and report to the Case Manager monthly and attend workshops. This component is meant more for a client who works, attends school, or they are trying to improve their lives. They must have a steady stream of income to pay their portion of co-pay. The Applicant must be considered a good case management client to enroll. Catholic Family Services operates this component call 765-8475 for more details.

Heating/Cooling & Appliance: The heating/cooling and appliance component emphasizes energy reduction in the home through repair, replacement, or retrofitting of heating systems, cooling systems, water heaters and refrigerators. The home must have an appliance in place that is inefficient. Referrals to this program will come from the other three components, however, it is a standalone component and referrals will be taken from the public. Applicants must meet all program guidelines to receive services. Call 775-3081 for more information.

For more information, please call 775-3081

State Income Guidelines

Family Size 125%
1 $13,000
2 $17,500
3 $22,000
4 $26,500
5 $31,000
6 $35,500
7 $40,000
8 $44,500

For families with more than 8 members,
add $4,500 for each additional member.