Public Service

Boys & Girls Club-Summer Day Camps
The funds will provide assistance to low-mod income children to participate in summer day camps. The camps provide a safe, fun, and educational site for the children.

Communities in Schools-Path to Expansion
This is a year-round, in-school prevention and intervention program that uses case management and a multidisciplinary approach to help at-risk students with academics, behavior and attendance. The funds for administrative personnel and promotion of the program will help to expand the use of resources and provide direct services to more at-risk students.

City of Lubbock-Summer Satellite
The program is designed to provide a positive, safe and supervised environment for youth to participate in various recreational activities and field trips, which will benefit participants by fostering positive growth and improving social skills while serving to deter high-risk behaviors. The program will serve the CD eligible areas.

Work Source-Direct Childcare Assistance
The Local Initiatives Program matches secured local contributions to draw down unmatched Federal childcare funds, thus increasing the number of low-income children that can be served in the city of Lubbock.

The YWCA Childcare Scholarship Program will provide partial funding for childcare after school care and summer care for school age children of income eligible working families. Parents will be required to pay a percentage of the childcare fee.

Citibus - Paratransit Assistance
This program will provide funds to the demand response program that provides transportation to the disabled. These funds will assist income eligible people who use the services.

YWCA- Challenger Ed Program
The program will provide educational and recreational activities for emotionally disturbed children who have severe behavior problems. By intervening in the lives of these troubled children at an early age, the program seeks to prevent school dropout, involvement in gangs and delinquent activities, and drug abuse.