Complaint or Commendation

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The Lubbock Police Department Office of Internal Affairs reviews citizen complaints against employees of the Lubbock Police Department. The Office of Internal Affairs is open Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. You MAY make a complaint or inquiries against a department employee to a supervisor by letter, by e-mail, walk-in or by phone directly to the Office of Internal Affairs, or you MAY follow the guidelines below.

Everyone likes recognition for a job well done. Lubbock Police employees are no different. Each year our department receives many police employee commendations from the public. However, for each one we receive, there are probably twice as many commendable acts that go unnoticed. When you receive service from our department that you feel is worthy of a commendation we would like to hear about it. Be sure to obtain the employee's name, employee number, or badge number. To make a commendation you MAY follow the guidelines below.

Guidelines to file a complaint or commendation:
If you prefer, you MAY first contact the employee’s supervisor. To do this you:

1. Call the Police Desk Sergeant at (806) 775-2816 or (806) 775-2817.

2. Ask the Police Desk Sergeant to give you the name and phone number for the employee's supervisor or give the Police Desk Sergeant the name of the police employee you wish to report.

3. The Police Desk Sergeant will listen to your complaint, direct you in the complaint process, or take appropriate action.

If you prefer, you MAY send an e-mail to the Internal Affairs Sergeant at

Include all the information you can remember such as the employee's name, date, time, location and circumstances of the incident. The employee and the employee's supervisor will be notified of commendations and a copy of the commendation will be placed in the employee's file. Texas Law requires complaints against police officers to be in writing. If you choose to e-mail the complaint, you must follow it up with a signed letter sent to:

Lubbock Police Department
Office of Internal Affairs
PO Box 2000
Lubbock, Texas, 79457

If you prefer, you MAY direct your complaint or commendation to the Office of Internal Affairs by phone or in person. Please contact the Office of Internal Affairs by:

1. Telephoning your complaint or commendation call the Police Desk (806) 775-2816 or 775-2817;

2. Making an appointment with an officer in the Office of Internal Affairs by calling (806) 775-2754; or

3. Walking in at the Police Department located at 916 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, Texas.

You must make a complaint within 30 days of the date the misconduct occurred, except in criminal cases. If the allegation involves criminal misconduct then the statute of limitations for that criminal act applies. If you can show good cause for a delay of more than 30 days, then the 30-day exception may not apply.

All complaints must be made by the person aggrieved (wronged). Any other person(s) you feel can add information regarding your complaint may give a witness statement.

Racial Profiling Prohibited

The Lubbock Police Department has a policy, General Procedures 1.22, RACIAL PROFILING, concerning the prohibition of racial profiling as set out in state and federal laws concerning racial profiling and discriminatory practices in general. Discrimination in any form, including racial profiling, is strictly prohibited and the department will take immediate and appropriate action to investigate allegations of discrimination. This policy applies to all employees of the Lubbock Police Department.

What is Racial Profiling?

Racial profiling is any law enforcement initiated action based on an individual's race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual's behavior or information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.

Examples of racial profiling include, but are not limited to the following: Policy: The LPD complies with the Racial Profiling Provisions of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, articles 2.131 through 2.138, that prohibits racial profiling by police officers.

Racial Profiling Complaint Process

Persons who believe officers have used racial profiling against them may file complaints according to the guidelines set forth above.