Tree Memorials

Your consideration of providing a living memorial honoring someone special is greatly appreciated. The process is very simple. The donor purchases the tree from a local nursery. Trees will be planted by Parks staff in a park of your choice that has irrigation. Staff can meet you on site to select a specific location. Letters and certificates are sent to both the donor, to the family of a memorial, or to those being honored. Listed below is expanded information on this process:

1. Select a Tree:
Please select a tree from the following species that are suited to our West Texas weather. We are working on expanding this list. If you are interested in a particular type of tree not listed, let us know, and we'll determine its suitability for our parks. To enhance the survivability of your selection, we recommend a single-trunk tree with a minimum 2½-inch caliper.
2. Purchase Your Tree:
Purchase your tree from a local nursery. Call 775-2685 when this has been completed, and Parks staff will arrange for pickup/delivery of your selection.

3. Select a Park and a Location:
Work with staff on those parks with irrigation. Set up a time to meet with staff at the selected park to finalize the tree's location so that it is able to receive water from the irrigation system.

4. Tree is Planted by Parks Staff.

5. Letter and Certificates:

A letter is sent to the donor indicating that the tree has been planted. In addition, if the tree honors someone or is a memorial, we will send a letter to the person being honored or to the family if it is a memorial with a certificate indicating that a tree was planted in their honor. Due to cost and vandalism, we regret that we cannot place a plaque on site by the tree. We will list the donation on the Parks and Recreation website under Tree Memorials. In addition, we will read the names of the donors and those they are honoring for the past year at our annual Arbor Day Ceremony.

For More Information on Tree Memorials
Call (806) 775-2685