Mountain Bike Trails

Located south of East 19th Street off of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. on Canyon Lake Drive.

Ride At Your Own Risk.


Thank You to the West Texas Cycling and Caprock Multi-Sport Club for your assistance in building and maintaining the trails and for your assistance in establishing these guidelines.

1. Helmets required at all times while on bike.

2. Bicycles and hikers only.

3. No motorized vehicles or horses allowed on the trail.

4. Stay on established trail and do not cut across course.

5. Keep our trails clean - do not litter!

6. Ride alert and yield the right-of-way to all other recreationists.

7. These trails are built and maintained by volunteers--do your part!

8. No new trails can be built without the permission from the City of Lubbock.

9. All animals must be on leash.

10. Trails are designed for clockwise travel. Be very alert if riding counter clockwise. Clockwise travel has the right of way.

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