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2000 Survey Book 2000 Survey Book
2000 Survey Data 2000 Digital Survey Data
2000 DTM 2000 DTM
2000 Control GIS 2000 Control GIS
2000 Control GIS 2005 Lake Alan Henry DTM
2000 Control GIS 2005 City Survey Documentation

Survey Information about the City of Lubbock

Aerial photography of the City of Lubbock was flown in February of 2000.  February was chosen since the leaves are off most of the trees at that time.  This provided a better view of what was on the ground in the City.  During this time, an observant driver in the City would have noticed many large plus symbols painted on or along major roadways.  These large plus symbols were surveyed to find a very exact location for them in the State Plane 83 coordinate system.  The size of the pluses allow them to be seen in the City’s photos.  Since the pluses can be seen in the photos and their location is known, the pluses were used to interpolate coordinates for (geographically reference) the pixels in the images.

The resulting survey data for the Aerial photography has value itself. The data is provided here as a book, a spread sheet and as a DTM.

Copyright © 2001 - 2007 City of Lubbock, Texas
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