KSTX Town Hall
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The Moderator:

Terry Gildea

Terry Gildea

Before coming to KSTX and San Antonio in 2007, Terry Gildea spent two years covering the U.S. Congress for public radio stations around the country with Capitol News Connection.

As a member of the KSTX news team, he has covered the military and brought the stories of San Antonio service members to national audiences through NPR’s Impact of War project.  His radio documentary on the burn unit at Brooke Army Medical Center won a 2009 Lone Star Award from the Houston Press Club.  It was also recognized by the Texas Medical Association, winning the 2009 Anson Jones Award for excellence in healthcare reporting.  His work has also been recognized the Texas Associated Press Broadcasters Association.

In addition to KSTX Town Hall forums, Gildea moderated a live radio debate between the 2009 mayoral candidates and another debate on the recent changes to city council term limits.

He holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Washington and a master’s degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.

The KSTX Town Hall is on an ongoing series of forums designed to engage the community on a wide range of issues impacting San Antonio.  Moderated by Texas Public Radio's Terry Gildea, each Town Hall gathers a panel of thought leaders to share their expertise and spark a solution-based conversation about a particular issue.

The Town Halls are free and open to the public.  KSTX invites you to bring your questions and share your insights on the topic of discussion.  KSTX also welcomes e-mail questions and comments to townhall@tpr.org.  Each KSTX Town Hall is recorded for broadcast on The Newsmaker Hour, which airs Friday evenings at 7 on KSTX 89.1 FM.  The Newsmaker Hour and the KSTX Town Hall forums are produced by Texas Public Radio's Ernie Villarreal.

The next KSTX Town Hall will focus on transportation.  We will announce the date and location as soon as he have the details.

KSTX Town Hall: Transportation


Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Doors Open: 6:30 p.m. •Program Begins: 7 p.m.


Buena Vista Theater
UTSA Downtown Campus
501 W. Durango Street

Parking available in the Cattleman's Square Parking Lot on Buena Vista

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How can we keep San Antonio moving? The region is growing every year, putting additional strain on our transportation infrastructure.

Clogged freeways, increased pollution and reliable public transportation are just a few of the problems we face as we try to get from one place to the other.

So what does the future of transportation look like in San Antonio and the surrounding area? How can we continue to handle the region’s growth without slowing us down?

We'll discuss future plans for VIA Metropolitan Transit, the possibilities of light rail, highway improvements and the benefits of commuting by bicycle, as well as regional implications for our commuting decisions.

Join us for the next KSTX Town Hall as we have a solutions-based conversation with a panel of experts on a full breadth of transportation issues.

Confirmed Panelists

Heywood "Woody" Sanders — UTSA, Urban Studies Department
Keith Parker —President/CEO, VIA Metropolitan Transit
Julia Diana — Sustainable Transportation, City of San Antonio
Michael Miles —Senior Manager Government Relations, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)

Have a question for our panelists. Email us at townhall@tpr.org.



KSTX Town Hall: Energy

Photo Credit: CPS Energy

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August 26, 2009 · San Antonio’s energy needs in the past have been met by using natural gas, coal and nuclear power.  As the city and the metropolitan area’s population have grown, how the energy needs of the future will be met is being studied and discussed.  Use of alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, are being touted as a way to provide clean energy, but which path is the right one to take to make sure San Antonio stays powered?

Texas Public Radio's Terry Gildea led a dialog on how we can meet the metropolitan area's growing energy needs while minimizing our impact on the environment.  This KSTX Town Hall was held at McAllister Auditorium at San Antonio College as part of the Green by Texas Public Radio initiative, a year-round focus on sustainability issues affecting San Antonio and the surrounding community.


Mayor Julián Castro— City of San Antonio
Lanny Sinkin — Solar San Antonio
Michael Kotara — CPS Energy
Tom "Smitty" Smith — Public Citizen


KSTX Town Hall: Air Quality


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June 25, 2009 · With the arrival of summer and triple-digit temperatures come the Air Quality Health Alert days that are becoming all too frequent in San Antonio. The city is teetering on earning a non-attainment designation from the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to meet federal standards on ambient air quality.  Many air quality experts and government officials agree that the area will earn that status before summer’s end, leading to costly consequences for our government and citizens.

What can ordinary citizens to do reduce air pollution and what is our government doing to avoid such a potentially costly designation from the federal government? This inaugural KSTX Town Hall was held on June 25, 2009 at the Buena Vista Theater on the UTSA Downtown campus.  The panel on air quality was gathered as part of the Green by Texas Public Radio initiative, a year-round focus on sustainability issues affecting San Antonio and the surrounding community.


Peter Bella — Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG)
Dr. John Merrifield — UTSA Professor of Economics
Kyle Cunningham, RS — Public Center for Environmental Health
Kim R. Stoker — CPS Energy

>> Learn more about environmental issues at Green by Texas Public Radio.