Superstruct: Your Chance to Shape the Future of Museums
Welcome to the Center — your window into the future

What will museums look like 25, 50, 100 years from now? What will they need to thrive and help shape a healthy, vibrant society?  The American Association of Museums' Center for the Future of Museums is your guide to the future, helping museums navigate cultural, political and economic trends and chart a course to success. Come to the center for your "brain charge" — to revitalize with new ideas, connect with creative thinkers from other sectors and participate in a grand experiment of innovative practice.

Ford W. Bell, DVM
    President, American Association of Museums

CFM releases new report:  Museums &  Society 2034: Trends and Potential Futures
In the year 2034, American  museums will face formidable challenges, shaped by the forces that are likely  to buffet society itself in the next 25 years — major demographic shifts,  increasing globalization, economic upheaval, advances in communications and  technology, and the cultural transformations these breakthroughs portend.  These changes are the focus of a fascinating new report from the Center for  the Future of Museums (CFM), Museums & Society 2034: Trends and  Potential Futures. The report was prepared for CFM by Reach Advisors of Belmont,  Mass.

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