Code of Ordinances

Residential & Business Emergency Update



Modern day policing goes above and beyond officers simply patrolling the city in police cars awaiting their next call for service. The prudent and efficient acquisition and use of information systems helps to place the right cops at the right place at the right time. In today’s day and age, effective law enforcement is technology driven.

The Tomball Police Department has taken an aggressive stance in acquiring necessary technology to apply proactive measures in crime suppression, criminal apprehension, resource deployment, response times, community service and support assistance.

In 2005, Tomball Police Department provided a greater level of convenience to the community, as well as the ability to expand communication links between citizens and the department via implementation of a community based interactive website, This website offers knowledge about Tomball Police Department by providing quick links that describes departmental activities and offer statistical information. The site also allows the community to interact with Tomball Police Department from the comfort of their own home or office with the capabilities of reporting crimes, comments on officer activities, traffic complaints, a silent hotline, vacation watch requests, and sex offender search capabilities. The website also allows individuals involved in a motor vehicle accident the opportunity to retrieve the accident report online. The involved parties can have immediate access to the accident report if they wish to purchase it online.
The Tomball Police Department also increased the technology inside of the patrol units, available to patrol officers at their fingertips. Wireless cards within in the patrol fleet provide a wireless broadband connection to allow officers to perform a variety of functions from the Mobile Data Computers within the patrol units. This feature allows officers to remain in neighborhoods and business districts to perform the following functions which previously forced officers remain inside the police station

  • Dims/Jims - allows the officers to connect to the District Attorneys Intake Management System.
  • Broadband Based Z-Client - allows officers to obtain drivers license information, vehicle registrations, and wanted person hits from their patrol units. The average return for any requested information is approximately (2) seconds.
  • Internet Capabilities - allows officers to have internet access in their patrol units. This is a useful tool which allows officers to link to other area agencies, review legal updates, penal code information, maps, city ordinances, etc.
  • Paperless Report Writing - allows officers to complete and transmit reports from within their patrol units.
  • CAD Live - allows officers to observe the actual dispatch screen, giving them full "real-time" access to officer’s whereabouts, vehicle information, and suspect information. Once it is determined what functions we wish for the officers to perform, each officer can interact with communications via computer.
  • Critical Incident Pre-Response Plans – this program allows officer’s immediate access to stored floor plans, aerial and inside photographs, access points and escape routes of the key critical infrastructures, both public and private, in the city. This immediate retrieval program provides invaluable information to police first-responders.
  • APS Wireless Ticketing – allows officers to generate citations using the mobile data computers in their patrol units, rather then handwriting them. The citation information is automatically relayed to the court for improved citation management, expediting the process.

The Tomball Police Department has also added “Blackhawk” systems to their crime fighting arsenal, which helps take a proactive policing mechanism to retail burglaries. Is this tool effective? In 2005 Tomball Police Department had the opportunity to see the device in action. One minute and fourteen seconds after a burglar entered a local business, he found himself swarmed by Tomball officers and immediately taken into custody.

Although technology will never take the place of a police officer, it proves to be a highly cost-effective aid in proactively fighting crime within the community.




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City of Tomball - 401 Market St., Tomball, TX 77375
Phone: 281-351-5484   Fax: 281-351-6256
Mon. – Thurs.: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM - Friday: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

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