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GIS Maps & Data

What is GIS?

According to ESRI, a Geographic Information System (GIS) links locational and attribute information and enables a person to visualize patterns, relationships, and trends. This process gives an entirely new perspective to data analysis that cannot be easily seen in a table or list format or on a paper map.

5 Components of GIS

  • Hardware - The computer, peripherals, and sometimes servers on which the GIS operates

  • Software - Provides the functions and tools required to store, analyze, and display data

  • Data - Data is stored as vector, raster, or attribute data

  • Methods - The guidelines, specifications, standards, and procedures for collecting and analyzing data and applying GIS

  • People - GIS needs people to ask the questions; choose, collect, and analyze the data; and interpret the results


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Phone: 281-351-5484   Fax: 281-351-6256
Mon. – Thurs.: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM - Friday: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

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