Code of Ordinances

Residential & Business Emergency Update



Please fill out this form in full.  If you return early from your vacation, please call us.

Business Name:
Telephone Number:
Date of Departure
Date of Return
Phone Number where you can be reached in the event of an emergency:

Vehicles left at the residence:
(include make, model, color, license plate number and state)
Location of Vehicle Driveway Street Garage
Additional Vehicles:
Location of Vehicle Driveway Street Garage
Additional Vehicles:
Location of Vehicles:  Driveway Street Garage

Who has keys to the premise?:






Phone Number(s):

(include work, pager, cell phone)
Additional people with keys:





Phone Number(s):

(include work, pager, cell phone)

Will anyone else be at the house?
(doing yard work, picking up mail, cleaning house, cleaning the pool, feeding animals)






Phone Number(s):

(include work, pager, cell phone)

Reason for being at the premise:

(yard work, pet, pool, etc)
Additional people at the house:





Phone Number(s):

(include work, pager, cell phone)

Reason for being at the premise:

(yard work, pet, pool, etc)

Are you leaving any animals at home?


Type of Animal(s):


Number of Animals:

  In the House In the Yard     Both

Are you leaving any Lights On?
Include timer times & if it can be seen from the front or back of the premise)
Do you have an alarm system?



Monitoring Company:

Monitoring Phone #:

Do you have a pool?



Is there any damage to your house now? 
(Include exact location & description of damage) 
Have you had any recent problems officers should be aware of?s

Is there any additional Information the Officers should know?



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City of Tomball - 401 Market St., Tomball, TX 77375
Phone: 281-351-5484   Fax: 281-351-6256
Mon. – Thurs.: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM - Friday: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

Designed and Maintained by The Texas Network - © 2003-2009 The City of Tomball Texas
Information on this web site is for informational purposes only and should be independently verified

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