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DeSoto Dining and Dialogue
Next DeSoto Dining & Dialogue Dinner is September 26, 2009
DeSoto Dinning and Dialogue Event
Contact Information
Kathy Maples Jones
Guest Committee Chairperson

Click here to view a 5 minute video on the DeSoto Dining and Dialogue Program.

DeSoto Dining and Dialogue is a volunteer-run organization that provides individuals of all ages including high school students who live or work in DeSoto, the opportunity to get to know one another at dinner events with 8 to 10 participants. These dinners are held twice a year in private homes, churches or restaurants all over town on the same night. The discussion is lead by a trained facilitator who guides participants through questions designed to elicit thoughts and opinions on issues facing our community.

This program is primarily successful because families are willing to open their homes and host, at their own expense, a dinner for a diverse group of citizens. Facilitators and other volunteers willingly give of their time and expertise because they believe in the program. However, we need continuing community participation to keep the program strong which means that we need committed citizens like you, to participate in the program as guests. Join us in building a strong community. For more information on DeSoto Dining and Dialogue, please call Kathy (Maples) Jones at 972.230-9648 follow this link DeSoto Dining & Dialogue