Code of Ordinances

Residential & Business Emergency Update


Treasury Management

This program is responsible for cash management and investment of funds. It is also includes the daily transferring and settling of depository funds, investing excess funds and reporting investments in accordance with the Texas Public Funds Investment Act and the City Investment Policy. It also includes maintaining working relationships with the City's depository bank, authorized broker/dealers, and the City's safekeeping agent.

Bond Ratings

The city's financial condition and outlook has been reviewed by two internationally recognized rating agencies. The City's General Obligation Bonds carry a rating of “A” from Standard and Poor’s and an “A2” rating from Moody’s Investor Services. The significance of these ratings can be determined by contacting the corresponding rating company. Ratings are used in the municipal bond market to help investors understand the credit worthiness of the agency that is responsible for paying the bonds.




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City of Tomball - 401 Market St., Tomball, TX 77375
Phone: 281-351-5484   Fax: 281-351-6256
Mon. – Thurs.: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM - Friday: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

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