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We strive to keep you informed of what's happening in our city. There are many ways for you to view events.
The Default View is with all of your calendars selected.
  • To view the available calendars, click Select Calendars. Put a check beside the calendars that you want to view and click View Selected Calendars and you will only see the items in the calendars you checked.
  • To View by Month click on the "<<" or ">>" buttons on the Monthly Calendar.
  • You can also enter a specific date to see the events for that day.
  • You still have the option of viewing a printable month and week’s calendar with your selection of calendars on it.

Title: Joint Airport Board Meeting
Date: October 6, 2009
Description: Regular Monthly Meeting of the Airport Board
Address: Midlothian, TX 76065
Location: Mid-Way Airport, 131 Airport Drive
Hours: Begins at 4:00pm
Contact: 972-923-0080

Midlothian Sidewalk Star Image
City of Midlothian | 104 West Avenue E | Midlothian, Texas 76065 | Phone:(972) 775-3481