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TWDB Program Information Sheets

These printable program information sheets are available in digital format for a variety of water-related topics, including TWDB loan & grant programs. All are Adobe Acrobat pdf files designed to print on both sides of a page. Most are 2-page files but a few are 3 or 4 page documents. Hard copies are also available through the TWDB communications office. For more informaton, please contact the TWDB Director of Communications.

Title Revision date
Agricultural Water Conservation Loan and Grant Program 02/08
Agricultural Water Conservation Demonstration Initiatives 02/08
Amending an Approved Regional Water Plan 08/09
Bays and Estuaries Program 03/08
Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) 04/08
Colonia Self Help Program 02/08
Desalination: Brackish Groundwater 11/07
Desalination: Seawater 11/07
How Is a Petition Filed to Appeal the Approval of a Desired Future Condition of an Aquifer? 07/09
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) 01/09
Economically Distressed Areas Program (EDAP) 01/09
Environmental Flows 03/09
Flood Mitigation Assistance 09/08
Financial Assistance Programs (summary of programs) 01/09
Groundwater Availability Modeling (GAM) 02/06
Groundwater District Loan Program 03/07
Groundwater Monitoring 10/08
Groundwater Technical Assistance 10/08
How to Submit Desired Future Conditions to the TWDB 07/09
How to Request a GAM Run 02/06
How to Use GAM 02/06
Hydrographic Survey Program 03/08
TWDB Offers Leak Detection Equipment and Services 10/07
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) 02/08
Nonpoint Source Pollution Loan and Estuary Management Program of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund 09/05
Proposed November 6, 2007 Constitutional Amendment Proposition No. 16 09/07
Propuesta Para El 6 DE Noviembre, 2007 Enmienda Constitucional Proposición No. 16 09/07
Rainwater Harvesting 11/07
Regional Water Planning 04/08
Research and Planning Fund Grants 09/09
Rural Water Assistance Fund 01/09
SBE, MBE, and WBE Procurement Requirements 09/06
State Participation 01/09
State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan Calendar 03/08
2002 State Water Plan Highlights 02/05
Severe Repetitive Loss 09/08
Surface Water Monitoring Tool for Texans 03/08
Texas Instream Flow Program 03/08
TNRIS Texas Natural Resources Information System 02/06
Texas Water Development Board (about our Board Members) 06/09
Texas Water Development Board (about the TWDB) 06/06
Texas Water Development Fund (State Financing for Water Supply, Wastewater and Flood Control Projects) 03/07
TWDB Offers Affordable Loans 11/07
Water Conservation Implementation Task Force 02/05
Water Bank 02/06
Water IQ Public Awareness for Water Conservation 05/09
Water Plan Funding 09/09

updated 09.23.09
See also: TWDB program contact phone list

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