Official Website for the City of Killeen

Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)

1. Killeen’s Storm Water Management Plan

2. Killeen's TPDES Permit

3. Fact Sheet and Director’s Preliminary Decision

4. Permit Booklet (General Permit)

Drainage Department Frequently Asked Questions

Monthly Drainage Utility Fees


The City of Killeen's Drainage Utility was created in October 2001 to improve the function and the health of the City's drainage infrastructure. The City assesses a fee to support this function upon each developed lot or parcel within the City's drainage service area. Benefited properties are categorized as "residential" and "non-residential."


The Drainage Utility fee schedule is as follows:


Residential Property


  • $5.00/month for each single-family residence
  • $8.89/month for each duplex
  • $3.88/month for each multi-family unit. (The maximum monthly fee is $250 per multi-family property)


Non-Residential Property


  • $7.30/month for a lot or parcel less than or equal to 10,000 square feet (sq. ft.)
  • $14.59/month for lot or parcel greater than 10,000 sq. ft. and less than or equal to 50,000 sq. ft.
  • $21.90/month for lot or parcel greater than 50,000 sq. ft. and less than or equal to 100,000 sq. ft.
  • $43.80/month for lot or parcel greater than 100,000 sq. ft and less than or equal to 200,000 sq. ft.
  • $80.30/month for lot or parcel greater than 200,000 sq. ft. and less than or equal to 350,000 sq. ft.
  • $116.80/month for lot or parcel greater than 350,000 sq. ft. and less than or equal to 700,000 sq. ft.
  • $160.60/month for lot or parcel greater than 700,000 sq. ft. and less than or equal to 1,000,000 sq. ft.
  • $255.49/month for lot or parcel greater than 1,000,000 sq. ft.


The primary activities of the City of Killeen's Drainage Utility include:


  • Administration of storm water discharge permits for the City's small municipal separate storm sewer system, land development activities that disturb one acre or greater, and selected industrial activities.
  • Assistance to citizens and staff affected by the City's drainage infrastructure
  • Continued development and enhancement of the City's Storm Water Drainage Master Plan
  • Implementation of the City's Drainage Capital Improvements Program


The City of Killeen utilizes our Drainage Maintenance Plan and reports by citizens to maintain our drainage system. The most significant concern is unobstructed flow within improved drainage ways. Unfortunately, problems aren't always acknowledged unless we experience a huge rainfall event and citizens call in to report the problems that occurred.


Funding from your Drainage Utility is used to provide an increase in the level of maintenance and improvement of the drainage system, and increase support of mandatory federal and state water quality requirements. With this funding, the City can begin to inspect, clean, and repair drainage infrastructure proactively so improved drainage systems can operate as designed and blockages that cause flooding can be reduced.


Here's a snapshot summary of the City's drainage system:


  • Storm Water Piping- 150,000 linear feet
  • Inlets & Outfalls- 3,000 structures
  • Curb and Gutter- 866 miles
  • Open Channels - 131 miles
  • Drainage Easements- 266 acres


In addition, the City owns or has maintenance responsibility for numerous green space areas and structures that support the drainage system.


City staff have begun several activities designed to comply with the requirements of EPA's Clean Water Act known as Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (or NPDES; here in Texas it is the TPDES). Storm water run-off is the most common source of surface water pollution because it carries contaminants to our creeks and streams. It also carries contaminants to our drinking water supplies and places of recreation. Activities to reduce pollutants include:

  • Informing members of the community how they can individually help keep our streams and waterways from being polluted.
  • Construction site erosion control requirements
  • Storm water collection system maintenance
  • Flood and erosion best management practices
  • Streamway buffers and green space to absorb or abate stream pollution.


If you have any questions about your Drainage Utility, please contact the Public Works, Drainage Utility Division at (254) 501-7629.