Official Website for the City of Killeen


Commercial Garbage Collection Services

The City of Killeen, Solid Waste Division provides municipal garbage collection, disposal and container service for all commercial establishments in Killeen

The Utilities Collection Division bills customers each month for utilities usage, which includes water, sewer, and garbage fees.

Commercial establishments have a choice in the size and quantity of containers that are needed to meet their weekly disposal needs. Available container sizes (by volume) are 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 cubic yard dumpster containers. A 96-gallon roll-out container is available for small businesses and is picked up once per week.

Commercial establishments also have a choice regarding frequency of pickup of their dumpster containers(s), one to six times per week, Monday through Saturday.

- Size of containers
- Quantity of containers
- Frequency of service

Changes in Frequency of Service
To request a change in service such as frequency of pickup, day of pickup, change in size of container(s) or additional containers, call Commercial Operations at 501-7785.

Additional Garbage Pickup
If your container is filled before your normal scheduled pickup day, you may request a special pickup for additional fee. The fee is based on the size of the container and will be billed to your utilities account.

Container Maintenance & Repair
All containers provided by the city are the property of the City of Killeen and must not be painted, marked, abused, damaged, altered or modified in any way. Containers, or parts thereof, that are damaged through other than fair wear and tear will be charged to the customer.

The city maintains and repairs city-owned containers as needed, such as painting, replacement of decals, replacement of lids and doors, and welding repairs to the container body. Only those decals authorized by the city may be affixed to containers.

Please report any problems with your container to 501-7785.

Do you need to secure your dumpster container to prevent unauthorized access?

Call 501-7785 to have locking devices installed on your container to prevent unauthorized access. A small monthly fee will be billed to your account.
The locking device allows you to secure your container at times needed, and it does not have to be unlocked for the city to service your container.

Since the front wheels of the collection vehicle(when lifting and emptying containers) do exert a heavy force onto the pavement surface, we recommend that the container pad and the approach apron be constructed of concrete. Please call Commercial Operations for recommended specifications for container pads, aprons and enclosures.

Container Site
Generally, the city's collection vehicles must go onto the customer's property to service the dumpster container(s). The customer is responsible for the dumpster site, accessibility to the site, site preparations, and the maintenance and repair of the pavement surface.

Summary of Do's and Don'ts for Container Use

- Place ALL trash in the container. Customers are also requested to bag the garbage which helps prevent litter on windy days.
- Close lid and side doors to prevent litter.
- Notify Commercial Operations Division if repairs are needed to your city-owned container.
- Call Commercial Operations Division for any change in service level, such as frequency of pickup or to request a different size container.
- Keep any container enclosure or site clean and free of trash, grease barrels, boxes, other storage storage containers, or debris.

- Place large items, such as furniture or lumber, in the container. These can damage the collection vehicle and result in expensive repairs.
- Place or stack trash or debris around your container or inside the site enclosure. The operator does not clean your site. They empty only the container with the automated collection vehicle.
- Overload or overfill your container. An overfilled container cannot be emptied without spillage, and therefore will not be emptied until conditions are corrected. An extra fee may be charged for "waiting time" on site while conditions are corrected.



Roll-off containers are large, open top containers used primarily on construction sites to place construction and demolition debris. The roll-off containers are available (by volume) in 20 cubic yard, and 30 cubic yard. 

How do I obtain Roll-Off Container Service
Go to the Utilities Collection Division and establish a billing account for the service. A deposit is paid, based on the size of the container requested. Once the billing account is set up, the Commercial Operations Division will be notified to deliver the container on site.

What can I put in the container?
Construction or demolition debris normal to a construction site such as roofing, shingles, sheet rock, pieces of lumber, metal, pipe, brick, concrete, carpeting, padding, empty paint cans (dried).

DO not place the following items in the container:

  • Tires
  • Batteries
  • Hazardous Materials of any kind
  • Asbestos containing materials
  • Liquids of any kind
  • Excavated soil
  • Appliances such as refrigerators

If prohibited items are found in the container, they must be removed before the container is serviced. If found in the container when unloading at the Transfer Station, the customer will be billed for the removal and proper disposal of the prohibited items.



The city provides collection services for compactors owned by the customer. Should your business decide to purchase a compactor, please coordinate the specifications with the Commercial Operations at 501-7785, since the compactor must be compatible with the city's hauling equipment. The city does not own, rent, or repair compactors.

The owner of the compactor or representative must be present when the compactor is disengaged for hauling, and to clean the overflow trash.
Do not load compactor beyond hauling capacity which is approximately 30,000 pounds.

A fee is charged to pick up, transport, unload, and return the compactor to the site.
A fee is also charged for the weight of the compactor contents. A weight ticket is made at the scale of the Transfer Station, and given to Utility Collections for billing.

Do you have a need for the pickup of Brush or Large Bulky Waste such as furniture, stoves, hot water heaters, chairs, construction/demolition waste,etc.,which are all prohibited from being placed in the dumpster container?

Call Commercial Operations at 501-7785 and request a price quote for the pickup and disposal.

The pickup is done by a special collection vehicle with crane and grapple. This vehicle must have safe clearance for its operation. Place items to be picked up away from low hanging wires, fences, gas meter, parked vehicles, containers, and other obstacles.

Brush is green waste from tree limbs and shrubs clippings. Do not CO-mingle brush with junk, trash, or other items. The brush must be free of any other trash. Do not put pallets in the pile Do not put treated lumber or fence boards in the pile.

Some special provisions apply to air conditioning units and refrigerators. Units containing a refrigerant must be certified by a licensed technician to be free of the refrigerant before the items can be picked up. Call the Solid Waste Division at 501-7785 for instructions and certification forms that must be completed.