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Integrated Statewide Administrative System

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J.P. Wardle, Statewide Project Manager
(512) 475-0746

ISAS Project
ATTN: J.P. Wardle
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Post Office Box 13528, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-3528

Jeanette Henry, ISAS Forum Technical Administrator
(512) 305-9968

What is ISAS?

The Integrated Statewide Administrative System (ISAS) is a public sector accounting system adapted to meet Texas state agencies' requirements for processing financial transactions. The project is a collective interagency approach to customize PeopleSoft's Financials for Education and Government to support the accounting, budget preparation, asset management, purchasing and accounts payables functions.

The customization includes interface with the following statewide systems and agencies:

Highlights of Peoplesoft functionality include:

ISAS has the advantages of a single system that allows uniform processing and reporting to such diverse systems, while also providing e-commerce, Web-enabled communications and an open architecture to allow for future development.

The State of Texas' approach of consolidating statewide modifications that address the needs of all or most state agencies reduces the cost and provides maximum functionality. Agencies are responsible for additional agency-required modifications and enhancements to the programs.

Susan Combs
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Window on State Government
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