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Special Investigations Unit

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) was created in 1999 as a way to insure that criminal incidents involving a potential abuse of power involving sworn APD officers were investigated in the most thorough manner. The Unit's motto is "Leave No Stone Unturned in Seeking the Truth". While this unit was initially created to investigate only APD officer involved incidents, it quickly grew to include criminal investigations involving all sworn peace officers alleged to have committed a criminal offense within the jurisdiction of the Austin Police Department.
Special Investigations Unit has expanded and is currently responsible for criminal investigations involving:

  • Austin Police Department employees (sworn and non-sworn);
  • Sworn officers from other agencies when the offense occurs within our jurisdiction;
  • City employees where public integrity is an issue.
  • Citizens who have diverted energy from Austin Energy (only those cases that have been selected for prosecution by Austin Energy).

The Special Investigations Unit investigates shootings or serious injuries resulting from use of force by sworn officers, with certain exceptions.
How to contact us:
The Special Investigations Unit is available by phone at 974-6840. If this is an emergency call 9-1-1. We are also available by email at


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