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Community Court celebrates 10-year anniversary

For immediate release
Oct. 1, 2009

Peter Valdez, Community Court, (512) 974-4873
Communications and Public Information Office, (512) 974-2220

Today, Oct. 1, the Downtown Austin Community Court marks its 10th year of service to the Austin community.

Created in 1999, the Community Court seeks to address the needs of the community by providing alternative sentences to rehabilitate offenders.

"The Court has organized an effective system whereby offenders provide community service restitution through a variety of work projects," said Peter Valdez, Acting Court Administrator.

Offenses that go before the court are Class C misdemeanors, such as public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia, disorderly conduct, simple assault and aggressive panhandling. The Community Court has sentenced people to participate in projects ranging from removing graffiti to cleaning the public areas after major events like South by Southwest and the Lance Armstrong Parade.

"We were one of the first community courts in the state of Texas," Valdez said, "and an early proponent of a problem-solving approach to community justice."

Community Court Judge Michael Coffey said, "My interest in Community Court developed as a result of my frustrations in the traditional criminal justice system.  Traditional courts focus on punishment for misdeeds.  Community Court focuses on solving the problem.  My background in counseling and my experience in law undoubtedly contributed to my interest in this new model." 

Additionally, Judge Coffey believes Community Court plays a role in fulfilling Austin City Manager Marc Ott’s vision of becoming the best managed city.

"Community Court is an institution designed to use the power of the law in a manner to make our city a better, more livable place and to improve the quality of life for our citizens," Coffey said. "The Court does this by involving the community to help identify problems and solutions, engaging defendants regarding their offenses, and resolving the cases in a manner that is a win-win for both the community and the defendant.

"As the Downtown Austin Community Court completes its first 10 years, I look back knowing this Court does contribute to a better quality of life for the citizens of the City of Austin.  I look forward to the next decade, as we review the first decade with pride."

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