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This page contains applications, forms and directories pertaining to facility licensure . Refer to File Viewing Information on the left-hand side menu to download viewers for PDF files, MS Word documents and Excel files.


Abortion Facilities

How to Become a Licensed Abortion Facility Application

Word File 60KB

PDF File 33KB
DSHS Vital Statistics Abortion report forms for physicians - Click here to link

Disclosure and Consent form
Texas Medical Board required form
(Refer questions to TMB at: www.tmb.state.tx.us

Locate PDF file at: 22 TAC §165.6(f)
Informed Consent Certification form TAC §139.52(a)(1) - English
Affidavit of Age form PDF File 7KB - Spanish

TAC ยง139.41(a)(8)(A) - English

Information on Toll-Free Telephone Number TAC §139.6(a)(2) - Spanish TAC §139.6(a)(1) - English

Notice to Medicaid Women’s Health Program Providers

Section 32.0248, Human Resources Code, prohibits the payment of Medicaid Women's Health Program funds to a provider that performs elective abortions. This provision also applies to licensed abortion facilities. A provider that has performed elective abortions (through either surgical or medical methods) for any patient is ineligible to serve Medicaid Women's Health Program clients and cannot be reimbursed for those services. This prohibition has been in effect since September 1, 2005. This prohibition does not prohibit providers from delivering services to other Medicaid clients. The Health and Human Services Commission may recoup Medicaid Women's Health Program funds that it determines were paid to providers that have performed elective abortions.

For more information please call Kendra Sippel-Theodore, Medicaid/CHIP Division, Health and Human Services Commission, at (512) 491-5594.


Ambulatory Surgical Centers

How to Become a Licensed Ambulatory Surgical Center Application Word File 64KB PDF File 33KB
Architectural Review Information and Forms - Click here to link
Disclosure and Consent forms for medical and surgical procedures
Incident Report form   PDF File 12KB
ASC Annual Report form Word File 90KB PDF File 31KB
Best Practices Report form Word File 36KB PDF File 35KB
Directories of Ambulatory Surgical Centers. Directories are updated on the 1st and 15th business day of each month. Revised date appears on first page of PDF listing. Excel File 90KB

Alphabetical 84KB PDF

By County 89KB PDF


Birthing Centers

How to Become a Licensed Birthing Center Application Word File 61KB   PDF File 34KB
Directories of Birthing Centers
Directories are updated on the 1st and 15th business day of each month. Revised date appears on first page of listing.
Excel 29KB

Alphabetical 53KB PDF

By County 56KB PDF

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) notified the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) that birthing centers are not an eligible Medicaid provider under section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act.  Please see the entire notice (PDF 35KB) for more information.


Community Mental Health Centers and
Comprehensive Out-Patient Rehabilitation Facilities

Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services - Forms Link to downloadable forms
Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services - Overview Link to general overview page


End Stage Renal Disease Facilities

How to Become a Licensed End Stage Renal Disease Facility Application Word File 80KB PDF File 41KB
Architectural Review Information and Forms - Not mandatory for ESRDs
Incident Report including instructions PDF File 32KB
Application and Survey and Certification Report - CMS 3427

Directories of End Stage Renal Disease Facilities
Directories are updated on the 1st and 15th business day of each month. Revised date appears on first page of PDF listing.

Excel File 108KB


By County


Hospitals - General and Special

How to Become a Licensed General or Special Hospital Application Word File   324KB

PDF File  133KB

Architectural Review Information and Forms
Fire Safety Survey Report form PDF File 39KB
Hospital Closure Instructions PDF File 20KB
Change of Ownership Instructions PDF File 30KB
Disclosure and Consent forms for medical and surgical procedures
Directories of General & Special Hospitals
Directories are updated on the 1st and 15th business day of each month. Revised date appears on first page of PDF listing.
Hospital Beds PDF 229KB Excel File 223KB


By County


Hospitals- Waiver Request

Hospital Waiver Request-Provisions for the Regulatory Service Division - PDF File  26KB
Emergency Department (ED) Hospital Waiver Process - PDF File  25KB
Emergency Department Waiver Requests Approved - PDF File  51KB


Hospitals - Psychiatric and Crisis Stabilization Units

How to Become a Licensed Psychiatric Hospital or CSU Application Word File   323KB PDF File 131KB
Architectural Review Information and Forms
Fire Safety Survey Report form PDF File 39KB
CSU Directory PDF File 23KB
Directories for Psychiatric Hospitals
Directories are updated on the 1st and 15th business day of each month. Revised date appears on first page of listing.
Psychiatric Beds    PDF 16KB Excel File 24KB

Alphabetical 15KB PDF

By County 54KB PDF


Laboratories - CLIA

Application for CLIA Certification and Overview- CMS Link
Fee Schedule Information - CMS Link


Narcotic Treatment Clinics

New/ATT/Renewal Application & Status Report - Narcotic Treatment Program  
Hospital Narcotic Drug Detoxification
Medication Unit 

Word File 565KB PDF File 65KB
Narcotic Treatment Program List of Clinics PDF File 54KB
By Clinic Name


Out-Patient Physical Therapy | Speech Pathology Services |
Portable X-Ray Services | Rural Health Clinics

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Forms Link to downloadable forms
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Overview Link to general overview


Special Care Facilities

Special Care Facility License Application Word File 136KB PDF File 123KB
Architectural Review Information and Forms
Directory of Special Care Facilities
(Revised date appears on first page of listing)
PDF File 19KB


Substance Abuse FacilitiesRule

Substance Abuse Facility License Application Word File 557KB PDF File 53KB
Substance Abuse Facility License Checklist Outpatient Applicant PDF File 52KB Residential Applicant PDF File 65KB
Substance Abuse Facility ADA Checklist  
Substance Abuse Facility Closure Information PDF File 63KB
Court Commitment Application PDF File 37KB
Helpful Phone Numbers PDF File 11KB
Substance Abuse Licensed Sites/By City Order Excel File 589KB PDF File 263KB
Faith-based Exemption Registration Application PDF File 12KB
Registered Exempt Faith-Based Programs PDF File 110KB


Disclosure and Consent forms

Disclosure and Consent - Medical and Surgical Procedures - English Word File 26KB PDF File 53KB
Disclosure and Consent - Medical and Surgical Procedures - Spanish Word File 27KB PDF File 58KB
Disclosure and Consent - Radiation Therapy - English Word File 25KB PDF File 58KB
Disclosure and Consent - Radiation Therapy - Spanish Word File 26KB PDF File 57KB
Disclosure and Consent - Hysterectomy - English Word File 33KB PDF File 75KB
Disclosure and Consent - Hysterectomy - Spanish Word File 25KB PDF File 71KB


Hard rule
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Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Facillity Licensing Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756 - (512) 834-6646


Last Updated September 10, 2009

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