
Link to a web application for attorneys to submit expenses for reimbursement in Workers' Compensation injury claims. Link to the Texas Music Office to view music industry data, including information on businesses, bands, events, and radio stations; how to get listed in and how to buy the yearly Texas Music Industry Directory.


  • Texas Music Office

    The Texas Music Office serves as the information clearinghouse and promotion office for the Texas music industry. The website contains over 15,000 business, band or event listings. Through TexasOnline, you can now purchase your copy of the annual Texas Music Industry Directory or an Expanded Listing in the directory online by credit card.

  • Web-enabled Attorney Fee Processing System (WAFPS)

    WAFPS has been enhanced to allow attorneys representing injured employees to file fee requests related to supplemental income benefits (SIBs) disputes. Attorneys that provide legal services involving workers' compensation injury claims may submit their Application for Attorney's Fees online through the WAFPS. A Form-151, Attorney Application for web Access, must be filed with the Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) to receive an access code prior to using the system. WAFPS allows DWC to provide more efficient, timely and accurate administration of attorney fee requests, resulting in improved service delivery to the attorney.