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Narcotic Treatment Clinics

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About Narcotic Treatment Clinics (NTCs)

Active NTCs in Texas

License Information for Clinics

Narcotic Treatment Clinic Rules


Narcotic Treatment Clinics (NTCs) are specialized medical clinics that treat patients addicted to heroin or other opiates. Patients are prescribed maintenance or medically supervised withdrawal doses of methadone or buprenorphine. Confidentiality of patient identity is protected by Federal law.  NTCs are required to provide or offer referrals to patients for the following: social and human services, mental health services, educational and vocational services, family counseling, and HIV/AIDS counseling, prevention, and risk-reduction education.

The Narcotic Treatment Section of the Patient Quality Care Unit is responsible for regulating and inspecting NTCs in Texas. Currently, there are 75 NTC maintenance programs that treat approximately 11,000 opiate-addicted patients.  NTC Listing is list of currently licensed NTCs. The NTC Listing has the names, addresses, and phone numbers of NTCs by city. We enforce regulations to protect the patient, to ensure that minimum standards are met for the operation of the NTC, and to minimize the possibility of diversion of narcotic drugs outside the treatment setting.  To assist in the enforcement of regulations, we provide copies of statutes, rules, and regulations related to NTCs, and provide assistance to NTCs with interpreting and complying with the regulations. We maintain a confidential central registry of NTC patients to prevent multiple enrollment. We also answer consumer questions, provide information about NTCs, and assist patients in locating a clinic in their area.

Currently, two narcotic drugs are approved for the treatment of opiate addiction, methadone and buprenorphone. Both are long-acting opiate drugs that do not generate the euphoria of an opiate (IE: heroin, hydrocodone), but do reduce the symptoms of opiate withdrawal.  These drugs can be given daily. Numerous scientific studies have shown that treatment of opiate addiction with methadone or buprenorphone combined with counseling and other rehabilitative services:

  • improves individual functioning,
  • facilitates the patient's attempts to make a positive lifestyle change,
  • reduces the amount of illicit drug use,
  • reduces the rates of criminal activity associated with opiate addiction,
  • reduces the incidence of health consequences of intravenous opiate addiction, such as bacterial infections, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and C, HIV, and sexually transmitted diseases, and
  • reduces joblessness.

All NTCs must be inspected at least once a year. During these inspections, the Narcotic Treatment section ensures that the NTCs comply with state and federal regulations. We ensure that:

  • patients admitted for treatment have a history of addiction and current physiologic addiction to opiates,
  • adequate documentation of a patient's treatment history is obtained,
  • counseling services are being provided,
  • medical services are being provided,
  • counselors and medical personnel are documenting and reviewing patient progress,
  • referral services are provided to those patients that require them,
  • drug screening for illegal substances is performed as required,
  • annual screenings for tuberculosis are performed,
  • efforts are being made to prevent dual enrollment,
  • the facility has adequate security for the drug stocks,
  • all doses of narcotic drug dispensed are logged and inventories maintained, and
  • the NTC is maintaining contact with DSHS whenever questions or problems arise.

We also investigate complaints where personal injury or significant violations of the regulations have occurred. Each complaint forwarded to us is thoroughly investigated to ensure that the NTC is complying with state and federal regulations.



License Information for Clinics

If you are interested in establishing a clinic in Texas, you must:

  • Apply for and obtain a license from the State of Texas.
    • You must include a fee of $1000 with your application.
    • Mail application to: DSHS - Narcotic Treatment Section
      1100 West 49th Street
      Austin, Texas 78756
  • Apply for and obtain a Federal permit from SAMHSA/CSAT, Division of Pharmacotherapy, and
  • Apply for and obtain a Federal permit from DEA/Diversion Control.

For further information, email the Narcotics Treatment Section.

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Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Facillity Licensing Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756 - (512) 834-6646


Last Updated March 30, 2006

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