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Welcome to the Credit Union Department

Accredited State Credit Union AgencyGreen SealThe Credit Union Department is the primary regulator of all Texas-chartered credit unions. The Department was established as an independent agency within the Executive Branch of Texas State Government on September 1, 1969. All of the costs of operating the Department are covered by assessments and fees levied on the institutions it regulates. This website provides access to information about the agency's programs and activities. We hope you find it informative and helpful.


Next Commission Meeting

The Credit Union Commission has scheduled a Commission meeting at 10:00 a.m., on October 16, 2009.

Location:  Credit Union Department, Conference Room,  Austin, Texas.

Agency Rule Review  

The Texas Credit Union Department has added a commenting feature to the website in the Agency Rule Review section entitled RuleRemarks.

You may review the Commission Rules and post comments regarding recommended changes directly to the website.  To get started click RuleRemarks

Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Citizens of Texas 1969-2009

Legislation creating the Credit Union Department as an independent regulatory agency for Texas state-chartered credit unions was passed in 1969 by the 61st Legislature.    The bill was signed into law by Governor Preston Smith on May 13th, and the Department officially began functioning on September 1, 1969.    
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the federal agency that charters and supervises federal credit uinons and insures savings in federal and most state-chartered credit unions across the country through the National Creidit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF)