Dumpster Placement or Movement Info

Residential dumpsters are placed in city-controlled right-of-ways (alleys or parkways) in a pattern and at locations that allow for the effective, efficient and safe collection of the dumpsters while maintaining a certain ratio of homes per dumpster. As such, dumpsters are only moved at the initiation of the department for operational and routing reasons.

Requests to move a residential dumpster will not be granted except in cases where the dumpsters are blocking gates or hitting water and gas meters. If there is an issue or problem with the location of the dumpster, the department will work with residents to resolve the issue or problem rather than transferring the problem by moving the dumpster.

If a dumpster is moved, at the request of a citizen, so that work can be done on their property, the dumpster will be returned to the original position (or close proximity) after the work is complete.

Submit an Online Service Request


Department: Solid Waste Website

Contact Information

208 Municipal Drive
Lubbock, Texas 79403

Phone Number: (806) 775-2482

Fax: (806) 775-3013